Merry Christmas!
Merry Belated Christmas from our house to yours. We had a relaxing and quiet Christmas at the Lucas house. We kicked it off on Christmas Eve with Zach making us all brekkie. He made a fabulous breakfast pie with potatoes, sausage, and eggs. JT offered to make dinner and cooked us all a delicious meal that included pomengrante and serrano basted cornish game hens, potato cakes, and roasted vegetables all courtesy of Thomas Kellar's cookbook Ad Hoc.
We are starting off good but only one chicken. Everyone is dressed because for some reason the boys slept in clothes and the chickens wanted to get dressed as soon as they woke.
Christmas morning was nice. The girls had been up multiple times during the night as Lizzie had an ear infection and cold. The boys tried to sneak out around 5:30 but we squashed that and managed a later start. The chickens seemed to enjoy the entire event. Kat definitely was the one most interested perhaps because Liz was sick. Kat was extremely happy with each gift whether hers or not and was often clapping as we opened our gifts.
I tried hard to create a perfect Christmas morning shot but as you can tell we had a bit of a struggle.
Lizzie photo bombs us.
While Zach tried to coax Lizzie in to the photo, JT and Lizzie get extra cute for the camera.
Lizzie not being helpful.
Zach giving up.
Our final shot of all 4.
A Quick Status Quo
It amazes me how time seems to move so slow and so fast all at the same time. One minute I am frantically getting kids ready for the first day of school to now enjoying the rapid speed that the holiday approach. Of course December in Texas means we are knee deep in invitations to try out for baseball teams.
A few noteworthy moments from the Lucas House this past week:
Chickens - I go in to the office on Wednesdays. It may be one of my favorite days as I not only get to see humans that are over 3 feet tall and not related to me but my friend Staci and I have developed an afternoon debrief routine that lets us both relax, enjoy a beverage, and chat without email or other disturbances. This week while in the office I got inundated with texts from Rick. It started with:
Rick - do you know where the tweezers are?
Me - in the bathroom cabinet in one of the baskets
Rick - I need to get something out of a nose
Me - Whose nose?
You get that a chicken had managed to lodge a sequin up her nose. After a visit to the school nurse (they aren't technically students but Darla was willing to take a peek) and then the pediatrician it was determined that an ENT needed to attempt the removal. Thursday morning Rick was up and out the door for an early morning appointment in central Austin. The $60 specialist copay resulted in the ENT announcing that the sequin must have fallen out during the night because it was no longer in her nose.
Zach - Zach has been nonstop excited all week as his class went to see the Nutcracker (or at least the first act) this week. He was even more excited that the company had created new backdrops and costumes. Zach also broke my heart when he discovered a Christmas present in my car and while no one is saying it, it has become obvious that the mystery of Santa has ended for the boys.
JT - Busy as usual with lots of activities but the best one to mention is that last Sunday JT requested that he make dinner for the family. Who is going to turn that down? He spent a bit of time researching recipes and ended up selecting Gumbo. It took a few trips to the store due some incomplete list making but the result was one of the best gumbos I've had. My kid sorta kiss ass in the kitchen!
Family - I know most of you have been asking and wondering and here is the news. At time A&E has no plans to film a season 2 of Modern Dads. I have to admit, we are a bit sad maybe not so much because we loved filming but we did love the crew, which became part of the family and we were eager to explore the opportunities that a season 2 could bring. On the flip side we are happy to have a bit of privacy back. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and we are all thankful we had it. Now we move forward with other plans and decide what we will be doing next.
Well that all sounds like a bit of holiday card! Hope everyone is well. I promise some photos soon.
A few noteworthy moments from the Lucas House this past week:
Chickens - I go in to the office on Wednesdays. It may be one of my favorite days as I not only get to see humans that are over 3 feet tall and not related to me but my friend Staci and I have developed an afternoon debrief routine that lets us both relax, enjoy a beverage, and chat without email or other disturbances. This week while in the office I got inundated with texts from Rick. It started with:
Rick - do you know where the tweezers are?
Me - in the bathroom cabinet in one of the baskets
Rick - I need to get something out of a nose
Me - Whose nose?
You get that a chicken had managed to lodge a sequin up her nose. After a visit to the school nurse (they aren't technically students but Darla was willing to take a peek) and then the pediatrician it was determined that an ENT needed to attempt the removal. Thursday morning Rick was up and out the door for an early morning appointment in central Austin. The $60 specialist copay resulted in the ENT announcing that the sequin must have fallen out during the night because it was no longer in her nose.
Zach - Zach has been nonstop excited all week as his class went to see the Nutcracker (or at least the first act) this week. He was even more excited that the company had created new backdrops and costumes. Zach also broke my heart when he discovered a Christmas present in my car and while no one is saying it, it has become obvious that the mystery of Santa has ended for the boys.
JT - Busy as usual with lots of activities but the best one to mention is that last Sunday JT requested that he make dinner for the family. Who is going to turn that down? He spent a bit of time researching recipes and ended up selecting Gumbo. It took a few trips to the store due some incomplete list making but the result was one of the best gumbos I've had. My kid sorta kiss ass in the kitchen!
Family - I know most of you have been asking and wondering and here is the news. At time A&E has no plans to film a season 2 of Modern Dads. I have to admit, we are a bit sad maybe not so much because we loved filming but we did love the crew, which became part of the family and we were eager to explore the opportunities that a season 2 could bring. On the flip side we are happy to have a bit of privacy back. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and we are all thankful we had it. Now we move forward with other plans and decide what we will be doing next.
Well that all sounds like a bit of holiday card! Hope everyone is well. I promise some photos soon.
The Magical Power of a Nightgown
Let's get personal for a moment, I don't wear nightgowns. I can't even recall the last time I owned a nightgown but I know I had some flash ones back in the day. I recall a lovely blue one that my mom has immortalized in a portrait.
I have to admit, giving the girls nightgowns is a thought that has never crossed my mind. So I didn't understand Donna's excitement when she spotted some on sale at the Disney store. Who knew one small item could create so much excitement. The girls twirled and danced all night long. It was almost impossible to catch a decent photo but here are a few.
The downside of the nightgown is that in the middle of the night (the girls and I were sharing a bed) I woke to Lizzie patting me and saying MaMa - over and over until I felt a giant full diaper hit my face. The girls insisted on wearing their nightgowns yesterday as an outfit. Of course I thought it was cute but I am sure Rick had to deal with lots of comments about "being a dad" and not knowing the girls are in nightgowns.
I have to admit, giving the girls nightgowns is a thought that has never crossed my mind. So I didn't understand Donna's excitement when she spotted some on sale at the Disney store. Who knew one small item could create so much excitement. The girls twirled and danced all night long. It was almost impossible to catch a decent photo but here are a few.
The downside of the nightgown is that in the middle of the night (the girls and I were sharing a bed) I woke to Lizzie patting me and saying MaMa - over and over until I felt a giant full diaper hit my face. The girls insisted on wearing their nightgowns yesterday as an outfit. Of course I thought it was cute but I am sure Rick had to deal with lots of comments about "being a dad" and not knowing the girls are in nightgowns.
Beauty Shop
My hair salon is a small, local store in downtown Pflugerville. All the stylists watched me grow large while pregnant and the girls always stop by for a quick visit while I am getting my hair done. During my last appointment, Rick and I were shamed in to making the girls appointments for their first haircuts. I admit their bangs were unwieldy and the chickens always looked a bit disheveled.
Their first appointments went smoothly, in fact I am a bit scared of how easy it was and how eager the girls were. I fear for what the future holds in relation to visits to the salon.
Kit Kat jumped in the chair first. She barely waited for the lady before her to leave.
Honestly, I can't tell. I think this is Lizzie still but there is a 50/50 chance it is Kit Kat.
Ha! It is both of them in this one. Lizzie is in the chair.
Happy Halloween
Hot off the press! Go me! I guess I owe myself some candy!
JT and his pumpkin
Zach and Lizzie
Pumpkin Guard dog in need of serious hair cut!
The closest thing to a chicken in full costume and not moving that I could capture. Note that JT is trying to keep her still.
A wagon full of tutus. And now that I know how easy these are to make and that there is a store called www.tulleshop.com - I seriously want to make myself one.
Zombie and the Zombie Hunter
Oh October!
For the first time in my life I uttered the following words to Rick as I slowly crawled in to bed, "I can't wait for November and Thanksgiving to be here."
This October as been one of the busiest on record and not because of baseball, which is usually myexcuse lament. We have had baseball. This has been the first fall season where we have all agreed that maybe we just stick to Spring baseball. Of course remind me of that in August. We've had two weddings - Rick's nephew Jordan and (now wife) Anna in Louisville and Rick's cousin Brittany in Tulsa. We've also been knee deep with the fall carnival at school, work, trying to cope with the whirling dervishes known as the chickens, homework, birthdays, car repairs and I am sure a million other things. We also lost one of cats, Albert who had been my cat for 15 years.
I recall a moment a few months in to having JT when Rick and I pondered what we used to do with all of our free time before JT arrived. That thought now makes me giggle. If only I knew then what it was really like to miss free time. I could take on a one kid challenge with my eyes closed! (okay - maybe not but I might be a little more sane, organized, on time and less frazzled.)
The boys are doing well at school. They both got their first report cards and as always we are proud of their grades and teacher's comments. As I said earlier, baseball is baseball. Zach is holding his own as an 8 year-old on a 10U kid pitch team. Pretty impressive. JT quietly turned 11 with a small party with the Largent brothers and then dinner out at Lucy's Fried Chicken.
The Chickens are on the go. In fact, they like to "Go Go!" whenever they can. They have to be the most social little beings ever. They would prefer to be out in public then sitting at home unless of course they are sitting at home watching the Muppets. They will probably need to enter a 12 step program soon for their addiction but for now it is a great way to keep them quiet and happy when we need a moment.
We are getting ourselves ready for Halloween and some serious trick or treating. We will be haunting the neighborhood as a Zombie Hunter, an old man zombie, and two mini witches.
Happy Halloween!
This October as been one of the busiest on record and not because of baseball, which is usually my
I recall a moment a few months in to having JT when Rick and I pondered what we used to do with all of our free time before JT arrived. That thought now makes me giggle. If only I knew then what it was really like to miss free time. I could take on a one kid challenge with my eyes closed! (okay - maybe not but I might be a little more sane, organized, on time and less frazzled.)
The boys are doing well at school. They both got their first report cards and as always we are proud of their grades and teacher's comments. As I said earlier, baseball is baseball. Zach is holding his own as an 8 year-old on a 10U kid pitch team. Pretty impressive. JT quietly turned 11 with a small party with the Largent brothers and then dinner out at Lucy's Fried Chicken.
The Chickens are on the go. In fact, they like to "Go Go!" whenever they can. They have to be the most social little beings ever. They would prefer to be out in public then sitting at home unless of course they are sitting at home watching the Muppets. They will probably need to enter a 12 step program soon for their addiction but for now it is a great way to keep them quiet and happy when we need a moment.
We are getting ourselves ready for Halloween and some serious trick or treating. We will be haunting the neighborhood as a Zombie Hunter, an old man zombie, and two mini witches.
Happy Halloween!
Chickens insisted on wearing a dress to a baseball game!
Rick getting dunked to support Brookhollow Elementary at the Fall Carnival.
All four at once in Louisville
Daily dose of the Muppets
I've started this post so many times and then have forgotten it so many times that it almost seems pointless to share it but here it goes (in a much abbreviated version).
Basic story - Friday Rick is told he has to go to NYC to do an interview with Hoda and Kathie Lee. I mope because I want to go. Saturday I text with Truly about whether or not we should go. Sunday evening, against every bone in my body I purchase an outrageously expensive ticket to NYC. Wednesday a car picks up at 5 AM to take us to the airport. I then spent a fabulous 48 hours in NYC. I didn't get to do 1/10 of the things I wanted but I am so happy that I went. A&E put us up at the Essex House and we made the most of every minute. On top of it all, Truly and I had an unexpected appearance on the Today Show.
Rick stayed an extra day to do another round of interviews while I headed home. We missed the kids (who were well cared for by Michelle and Chelsea).
I will admit, I have a bit of an obsession with NYC and I am dying to go back.
Of course I drove Truly crazy with my camera. I took a million photos but managed to only share a few with you!
Basic story - Friday Rick is told he has to go to NYC to do an interview with Hoda and Kathie Lee. I mope because I want to go. Saturday I text with Truly about whether or not we should go. Sunday evening, against every bone in my body I purchase an outrageously expensive ticket to NYC. Wednesday a car picks up at 5 AM to take us to the airport. I then spent a fabulous 48 hours in NYC. I didn't get to do 1/10 of the things I wanted but I am so happy that I went. A&E put us up at the Essex House and we made the most of every minute. On top of it all, Truly and I had an unexpected appearance on the Today Show.
Rick stayed an extra day to do another round of interviews while I headed home. We missed the kids (who were well cared for by Michelle and Chelsea).
I will admit, I have a bit of an obsession with NYC and I am dying to go back.
Of course I drove Truly crazy with my camera. I took a million photos but managed to only share a few with you!
A shot from the Highline, which is an old raised train track that they turned in to a walking path/garden.
The boys at Time Square
I loved all the flowers the bodegas had out front. This was the one across the street from this tiny restaurant (Bin 71) that we ate our first night.
Grand Central Station - I could have stayed here for hours.
And I am only including one building shot b/c I love the faces.
this shit stinks
Despite being on TV, Rick hasn't escaped the joys of chickens who like to revolt when they find themselves in a crib with a poop filled diaper.
Truth be told, the girls have gotten better at not doing this. In fact they have both taken to using the potty, which comes with its own set of challenges. I honestly never thought I'd find myself fishing a pen out of a toilet (thank god for some strange reason we keep plastic gloves in this house).
This is a shot of Katherine who in the past has been the culprit but on this day was just an accomplice.
Truth be told, the girls have gotten better at not doing this. In fact they have both taken to using the potty, which comes with its own set of challenges. I honestly never thought I'd find myself fishing a pen out of a toilet (thank god for some strange reason we keep plastic gloves in this house).
This is a shot of Katherine who in the past has been the culprit but on this day was just an accomplice.
Back At It!
We started school on Tuesday. It is mixed with joy and sadness. During 5th grade orientation on Monday night Mr. Riley (our principal) reminded us all that when we met last in the cafeteria for orientation it was when we were entertaining kindergarten.
I am not sure how we got here. How did wee little JT grow up to be a 5th grader?
His first few days have already been better than our entire 4th grade year.
Zach started 3rd grade and as you can tell from the photo takes great pleasure in annoying his brother. In fact, Zach and I both love being in the car with JT and embarrassing him with our awesome singing and dance moves.
Some notes - I realize this is not my best photo - Zach dresses himself so I can't account for the combination. I often provide morning guidance on clothes but it is often meant with a shrug of the shoulders. JT is wearing contacts. He just got them and is super excited.
So here we go school year of 2013-2014. The last year of elementary school for JT. Let's hope his final year is as fabulous as his first.
And in case you are doing the math (because the boys did it this morning). When Zach heads to 7th grade and JT is in his his first year in high school, Rick and I should be celebrating but instead we will be in the cafeteria listening to Mr. Riley warning the kinder parents that before we know it, we will back in the cafeteria for 5th grade orientation.
I am not sure how we got here. How did wee little JT grow up to be a 5th grader?
His first few days have already been better than our entire 4th grade year.
Zach started 3rd grade and as you can tell from the photo takes great pleasure in annoying his brother. In fact, Zach and I both love being in the car with JT and embarrassing him with our awesome singing and dance moves.
Some notes - I realize this is not my best photo - Zach dresses himself so I can't account for the combination. I often provide morning guidance on clothes but it is often meant with a shrug of the shoulders. JT is wearing contacts. He just got them and is super excited.
So here we go school year of 2013-2014. The last year of elementary school for JT. Let's hope his final year is as fabulous as his first.
And in case you are doing the math (because the boys did it this morning). When Zach heads to 7th grade and JT is in his his first year in high school, Rick and I should be celebrating but instead we will be in the cafeteria listening to Mr. Riley warning the kinder parents that before we know it, we will back in the cafeteria for 5th grade orientation.
Double Date
Happy August one and all. We are just a few months closer to the best time of the year - October! In the meantime we are winding down summer. Trying to squeeze in a few more fun events before school starts. Although I will admit that this may be the first summer that I am ready for the boys to return to school even though I know with JT being in 5th it is going to be an emotional year (for me).
Last weekend I went on my first double date with a guy and his sister. Rick's sister Donna and her family have moved to Houston and stopped by for a few days to hang out. And I am not the one getting to go on a double date, the chickens had their first today as well. They met up with their beaus Xavier and Zane (in our house known as XyZ) for a little splash pad excitement.
XyZ are the fraternal twins of my friend Heather. We worked together for several years before she moved to a new role and then had twins 2 months after me! Hoping for some more fun adventures with these guys.
Last weekend I went on my first double date with a guy and his sister. Rick's sister Donna and her family have moved to Houston and stopped by for a few days to hang out. And I am not the one getting to go on a double date, the chickens had their first today as well. They met up with their beaus Xavier and Zane (in our house known as XyZ) for a little splash pad excitement.
XyZ are the fraternal twins of my friend Heather. We worked together for several years before she moved to a new role and then had twins 2 months after me! Hoping for some more fun adventures with these guys.
baseball bff
I think I have talked enough about our brief summer experience with TexElite baseball but forgot to mention that despite JT's happiness with his new team the one thing that was missing was his baseball bff, Rhys. Well, it was JT's lucky day last Sunday because Rhys came in to play and tryout TE to see if he may want to play in the fall. I never tire of shooting them playing the positions they both love the most.
That is Rhys at pitcher and well you should know who #9 is.
And for the record, we had to pay for fall ball today so soon you will get fall ball photos!
That is Rhys at pitcher and well you should know who #9 is.
And for the record, we had to pay for fall ball today so soon you will get fall ball photos!
she loves herself some kit kat
She also loves wearing her swim suit, not wearing a diaper, if she has a to wear a diaper she prefers a swim diaper (fair warning - great for pool not really for every day use especially sleeping babies), but her real preference is being naked. And as you can imagine, none of these choices make her father happy. I just can't wait until she is older and really argues with Rick about what she wants to wear.
vacay at the lake
Rick and I are jonesing for a road trip but we are both so beaten down by chickens that it definitely isn't happening this year. We are hoping next summer looks better. I am already trying to convince Rick we need to see a game at Camden Yards.
We were fortunate enough to get a brief escape to Lake Kiowa thanks to some friends who offered up their home. We also got the chance to hang with Pete and Judes who were brave enough to spend some time in the Texas heat as well as be in an enclosed space with chickens.
All in all it was a quiet week. Unfortunately it was interrupted by a baseball tournament and Rick having to film for the show but I did get to a spend a few days alone at the beach with my parents so at least one of us isn't complaining.
JT fishing with Grandpa Pete in the background.
Zach being frustrated about his lack of fish until he caught one about 5 minutes after I took this photo.
TexElite Baseball
We have a one month break where we will not be juggling baseball practice and tournament schedules. All in all this last 6 weeks of "summer" baseball has been far more enjoyable than our last few baseball adventures. JT was especially in love with his team since the coach (Taylor) was a four year starter at Texas Tech.
It will take a few days to adjust to having our evenings wide open, eating dinner together, and not having to schedule our weekends around tournaments. Of course it will be a brief rest. School starts 8/28 and I am sure baseball will start at the same time.
It will take a few days to adjust to having our evenings wide open, eating dinner together, and not having to schedule our weekends around tournaments. Of course it will be a brief rest. School starts 8/28 and I am sure baseball will start at the same time.
Eight is Great
Hard to believe that 8 short years ago we were celebrating the arrival of Zach. And what an adventure 8 years with Zach aka Teacup has been. He keeps us all in stitches with his sense of humor, has such a big heart, and an almost freaky memory. All of which makes me realize that I will be taken care of in my old age.
It has been a long day. I was up early today to make Zach's cake before we had to be at a photo shoot for A&E. The boys are now celebrating with the Largent boys. They've had an afternoon of swimming, baseball, Xbox, a silly string battle, and now the game of Life.
It has been a long day. I was up early today to make Zach's cake before we had to be at a photo shoot for A&E. The boys are now celebrating with the Largent boys. They've had an afternoon of swimming, baseball, Xbox, a silly string battle, and now the game of Life.
Shark themed cake
The film crew singing Happy Birthday to Zach
I have more photos and Lucas Family updates but I am barely keeping my eyes open right now.
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