
The Magical Power of a Nightgown

Let's get personal for a moment, I don't wear nightgowns. I can't even recall the last time I owned a nightgown but I know I had some flash ones back in the day. I recall a lovely blue one that my mom has immortalized in a portrait.

I have to admit, giving the girls nightgowns is a thought that has never crossed my mind. So I didn't understand Donna's excitement when she spotted some on sale at the Disney store. Who knew one small item could create so much excitement. The girls twirled and danced all night long. It was almost impossible to catch a decent photo but here are a few.

The downside of the nightgown is that in the middle of the night (the girls and I were sharing a bed) I woke to Lizzie patting me and saying MaMa - over and over until I felt a giant full diaper hit my face. The girls insisted on wearing their nightgowns yesterday as an outfit. Of course I thought it was cute but I am sure Rick had to deal with lots of comments about "being a dad" and not knowing the girls are in nightgowns.

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