
Easter Eve Bandits

I have this long post about finding balance in a chaotic life and how so many friends are going through struggles with their marriages.  I stopped last night because we were watching a movie. I had every intention of finishing it tonight but then the Easter Eve Bandits hit.

The weather in Texas is finally pleasant. Rick and I sat outside on the deck watching the girls prance around and prattle to each other and us about lord knows what. It is in these moments, when I am drained from a long day, realizing that of the 50 things on my to do list only 2 of them got done. I stare at the girls in wonder. How did they get in to our lives? I mean I know the how but it more the sheer amazement of how these two beings have turned our lives up-side-down and taken us on a wild ride that never in a million years did I expect or plan. They rule our lives and this household; all four of us are at their mercy and they are only 3.

As we sat on the deck Rick and I each got caught up in watching the two of them work out that they could fill the empty water gun they had located with the water from a cup they had left over from dinner. It was pure genius; mad genius. The shit that doesn't happen with just one toddler but happens when there are two. I shutter to think what parents of toddler triplets deal with on the daily.

Not a single concern crossed my mind when I realized that they had both gone in to the house. I was too busy enjoying the quiet moment and watching the cardinals in the backyard. The silence was broken when JT came out to tell us he and Zach were going out to play with friends on the street. We went inside and were met by KitKat who proudly announced that Lulu had Ninja Turtle stickers. Like waking from a dream, it took a moment for me to register what she was talking about. I went in to my office and saw my light was on and then I ran in to their room and saw the Ninja Turtle and princess stickers and bubbles that I had gotten for their baskets strewn across KitKat's bed. I yelled. KitKat firmly declared it was all Lulu and Lulu ran and hid under the blankets on my bed and cried.

It took 15 minutes to calm me down. It took 20 minutes to calm Lulu down. She ended the night in her bed telling me that she really loved me and daddy and she was sorry. She also said she really loves the Easter bunny.

Easter will be a little less exciting but to be honest, I wasn't too worked up for Easter this year anywho.

As my Easter gift to you guys,  I am sharing some photos from the last few weeks so you can see that the kids are still alive and growing. I know the boys would want me to note that they are both quickly catching up with me in height. I know 5' 2" isn't a huge height to overcome but I am sure they aren't stopping there.

Happy Easter everyone! I hope the bunny visits you and brings you some special treats.

The girls bowling over spring break.

The girls went with me to get my blood work done recently. I explained to them what we were doing and they selected these outfits as perfect for the occasion.

The kids and I on a walk through the hood to one of our favorite spots.

Me and KitKat 

Me and Lulu

Lulu dressed and ready to go.