about the life

Thanks for stopping by to visit.

I started this blog a few years back because I found that I would take tons of photos of the boys for my family (we are all alone here in Texas) and then I would never get them printed and I felt bad emailing lots of photos. Then I saw that a friend in Muncie started a blog and I thought it was stellar idea. And well, we all know that imitation is the finest form of flattery.

I mainly post about the boys because let's face it, most people want to hear about them not me. Every now and again I ramble on about something but mainly I focus on the boys. Now if only they would get more interesting so I could turn this blog in to a book or  movie deal!

A little about me.
I am a mom, you've no doubt guessed that much. I like coffee, wine, books, and pretending that I am Martha Stewart. I don't think I have ever said no to pizza or a baked good. Despite my occassional protests, I love baseball and attending baseball games. As much as I would love to buy little pink things (thank goodness for a niece) I am not sure I would know what to do with girls; boys are more my speed although I hate that they leave socks all over the house. I waste spend a lot of time online looking at other blogs, I secretly pray that I get daughters-in-laws that will think I am awesome, and hope to some day have a house either on a lake or the ocean. When I am not doing any of these things, I work in corporate america and enjoy my job as much as I think you are supposed to. I've been married to Mr. Lucas for since 2010. We met in Las Cruces, New Mexico at a bar. He had just finished grad school and I was just starting. The first time I met him, I laughed so hard my stomach hurt the next day; he has been making me laugh ever since and that is probably the only reason I keep him around (just kidding - I keep him because he does the cooking and laundry).

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your time at the house.

2012 Update - I guess I should be careful what I wish for because now I am getting my chance to buy pink things. We aren't sure why but we've been blessed with twin girls, which means I am doubling my pink purchases. Life at the house has definitely taken a turn but we are enjoying the ride (despite the sleepless nights) and we look forward to see what the net few years bring us.