
Eli Turns 4

As if one party wasn't enough, we had another birthday to celebrate on Sunday. This one was for Eli (the son of our friends from Las Cruces - Craig and Sally). Eli had his party at a place called Crenshaws Academy. The kids got to do several obstacle courses and use some of the equipment.

Eli in the pit.

Monkey #1
Money #2

Rick and I were amazed at how quickly Zach caught on to the obstacle course. I was amazed at his ability to move across the parallel bars.
JT showing some trampoline skills.

Happy Birthday to Eli!

Bella Turns 6

We had a busy party weekend that was kicked-off with Bella's sixth birthday party. The first highlight of the party was the cotton candy machine.

The second best part (also loaded with sugar) was one of Suzette's cakes (she made JT's bleeding spider cake).

I am not sure how Bella got to be six. I am fairly certain just last week I changed her diaper before putting her and JT down for a nap.

Happy Birthday Bella!


Another Baby!

Lexi announced that they have welcomed a new baby in to their house as well! This one is cute too but comes with fur and four legs. Mom and the big brothers are doing fine.



If they don't want her, we are taking her.


Another Baby and the Big One!

Still no photos of Baby Lauren but I do have a photo of another very cute baby - Abigail. This is my friend Jennie's first baby also born on 4/21.

The other big news is that Dillon (Kassio's baby - another friend from Spokane) turned the Big One! Happy Birthday!


Kinder Round-up

Well the day has finally arrived, we enrolled JT in Kindergarten. I can't believe he is going to school. I am not sure how time has gone by so quickly. I am sure I took this photo just yesterday.

The actual registration was uneventful. I got a little teary-eyed when we walked in to the building. JT loved visiting all the classrooms and seeing all the fun stuff you get to do in school. Today got even better when his buddy Malik invited him to eat lunch at school. JT loved getting to eat cafeteria food, a trait he definitely got from Rick.


Lauren Jae Flisakowski is Here!

At 3 AM my phone rang. I had one of those delayed reaction moments but thankfully Ruth (Reah's mom) left a voicemail. After a good 24 hours of labor Lauren decided she was ready to come out. Ruth said Reah was pretty groggy but at this moment the official report is that she is 7lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long and she has lots of light brown hair.

I am very excited she is here but that excitement is mixed with sadness as we are too far away for me to be able to run to the hospital this morning and see her. Actually if we were closer I probably would have been at the hospotal all day and night. After I got the voicemail from Ruth I started crying. Rick (also half awake) said "You better not be crying because you want to have another one!"

I don't have photos but as soon as I do they will be posted.


Slumber Party!

Here are some photos of the boys having a slumber party with their friend Izzy. Rick and I had a couples shower in the afternoon and then had a wild evening of picking out tile, a new refrigerator, and then going to a movie. We highly recommend Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Big Time Events

There are big things going on in the Flisakowski-Lucas extended family.

  1. At any minute Gavin and Reah are going to have their baby; the first baby girl in the Flisakowski family. Her due date was 4/19 but that came and went with no baby. JT asked me today if I thought Reah just had a ball under her shirt. I asked if he wanted to call and ask her but he was wise enough to know that it would be a huge mistake to ask that of a woman who is past her due date (even if it is just a day).
  2. The second big event is that Grandpa Pete is officially 60 today! We haven't had a chance to talk to Grandpa Pete today because they have had a busy day going to see Wicked and then out to dinner. We just hope that he had a great day and that we get to see them soon.


tball photos

I don't know if this will work but here is one of the mom's our teams photos.

plum tuckered out

I took Friday off so we could all go to Round Top for what has to be the largest, most overwhelming flea market I have ever scene. I've read lots of stories in various decorating magazines but I never imaged the actual size of the affair. Rick and I were both overwhelmed and agreed on two things:
  • that we need to go back next year with Nana Juju and
  • that we probably only saw about 1/8 of the entire market.

Saturday and Sunday have been spent at the Sam Bass Midseason Baseball Tournament. If you are like most of the Cubbie faithful you find yourself asking "Why would there be a tournament for tball?" Well 4 games later, I can tell you that it was a very, very long weekend, some parents take this way too seriously, and the Cubs are Midseason Champions.

Once I am done recovering, I will post a few photos. We have been at the ballpark since 11 am and just got home at 5:30. Rick announced he is not cooking and JT wants to know who can come over to play with him. Seriously? Why isn't he tired. Zach pushed a little girl down and now the other mothers give me that "oh here comes that child" look. Great!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


As close as I will ever get to Matt Lauer

I am not sure why they didn't invite me to come sit on the couch and talk about stay-at-home dads with Matt. All the same, it is a nice story.



Quick TV Update

Supposedly the segment will air at 7:18 am.
I am not sure I agree with 7:18. I think it will be more like 8:18.
Keep an eye out.