
Big Time Events

There are big things going on in the Flisakowski-Lucas extended family.

  1. At any minute Gavin and Reah are going to have their baby; the first baby girl in the Flisakowski family. Her due date was 4/19 but that came and went with no baby. JT asked me today if I thought Reah just had a ball under her shirt. I asked if he wanted to call and ask her but he was wise enough to know that it would be a huge mistake to ask that of a woman who is past her due date (even if it is just a day).
  2. The second big event is that Grandpa Pete is officially 60 today! We haven't had a chance to talk to Grandpa Pete today because they have had a busy day going to see Wicked and then out to dinner. We just hope that he had a great day and that we get to see them soon.

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