I went to Costco today (more on that in a moment) and while I was there I saw this woman pulling two carts. First I paused because I was truly amazed at how she was navigating what turned out to be not so nice kind of a place with two carts. And as I stood staring and she turned her carts, I discovered that she had two carts because one cart was occupied solely by twin boys (probably about 4 years old). And then I sighed and looked at my over sized cart that was filled to the brim and realized Costco alone with twins may not be in my future. It would definitely be a 4 person trip.
I love Costco or maybe it is the memory of Costco. It is just one of those childhood hold-overs. I remember when my parents got their account and at the time the apparent exclusivity of it. And all so we could buy lots of toilet paper at once! Rick and I don't go as often anymore (although I imagine that changes with our new need for diapers) but today I went to get treats for the teacher in-service days next week.
I will acknowledge that I am hormonal and therefore I have less patience than most people and these hormones may also cause me to add a bit of hyperbole to my adventure but I found almost everyone at Costco rude (with exception of the check-out guys). It just seemed that people (some not all) felt that the rest of us were a nuisance to their Costco shopping and had no problem cutting us off, blocking aisles, or pushing at the sample stations ( I swear I was not at any sample stations but I am always amazed at how crazed people get over them).
The worst part of my adventure came in the parking lot. One of my top pet peeves is people who wait for you to load your car just so they can have your spot. And what made it worse today was that by the time I made it to my car, it dawned on me that this was why Rick told me not to go alone. I think it probably took me an hour (ok that is hyperbole) to load up the car and all the time this woman sat in her car with her turn signal on, waiting for my not so prime parking spot. When I finally pulled out, she was sure to give me a scowl for making her wait. Part of me wishes I would have just told her to get her butt out of her car and help the pregnant load her car but I didn't instead I drove away and was met with an awesome line of traffic and about 5 cars that refused to pause those two seconds to allow me to get in line to exit the parking lot. I guess they all had far more important things to do than be nice to someone.
Otherwise shopping for 70+ teacher and staff members at Costco was fun; who doesn't want to have a cart filled with 6 dozen muffins. I just hope they all enjoy eating the things that I was craving while shopping! It might not be good to have the pregnant in charge of Hospitality for the teachers.
Diaper tip - go to amazon.com and sign up for "baby prime." You will get free 2 day shipping on anything for a year. Subscribe to their diaper service and you get 30% off of diapers delivered to your door on a regular basis. Costco, however, is cheaper for wipes. These are the things you will soon be discovering! :-)
Costco sucks!
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