Here are some things weighing on my mind:
1) Who gave my children white bread and should I now be concerned (after my priding myself on only feeding them the non-high fructose wheat bread) that they request white bread all the time?
2) Will we survive without TV? Ok more specifically without cable? We have tossed it around for a while now. It helps that we have some friends that seem to function in society without cable. It also helps that recently HGTV just disappeared from our lineup and that the World Series is over. Also helpful is that JT recently pointed out that there are no good cartoons on anymore in the morning. Why do we bother then? Now do we cancel pre or post Thanksgiving?
Hey Megs,
We canceled cable and Tivo last spring. (Tho, they never really cut off our basic channels. I'm ambivalent about losing these.) I haven't really missed it. We watch a few shows online and some stuff on netflix streaming.
I am so behind in my blog reading (and lots of other things for that matter - HA) ... wanted to weigh in and say we've been cable-less for awhile now (Wayne could probably tell you the exact date) and it hasn't been bad at all. We have a converter box and check out movies from the library. We will do the Netflix thing when we finally get a Wii. Wayne watches sports online and watches some of his favorite cable shows on Hulu ... Emily misses Boomerang, but gets her fix when she goes to Winnie :) ... Good luck!
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