
Spring Break Part 2

We spent a full day at the Space Center and I have to admit that it is a pretty cool place. I would love to go back again when it wasn't so crowded. We spent most of our day waiting in line to ride a tram to take us to see where the astronauts train (also very cool). It was obvious that NASA really wants people to know and see all that they do and help encourage support of the space program. By the time we returned to the main portion fo the Space Center it was wall-to-wall people, which was frustrating because there was so much we didn't get to see. I'd love to go back again.

Random things to note:
  • They don't shower in space.
  • Museums/Space Center type places are really fun when your children can read. I know both boys had fun but I think JT enjoyed it just a little more because his reading has advanced so much in the past few weeks, which meant he was reading a lot of the displays by himself.
  • When we got back to the hotel, the only thing Zach could tell the nice grandpa in the elevator with us about his visit to NASA was that they really mark up their Star Wars toys and that you can get them for less money at Target (any hints on who had a meltdown at the gift shop?).

1 comment:

Suzette said...

Forget showering! Did you see how they go #1 and #2. Eeek!