
Pirates Weekend Update

The Pirates played in the Taylor "Dust the Rust" tournament this weekend. We played some great, nail-biting games and ended up taking third. Not too shabby for some kids that just got off Spring Break. We played a total of 4 games over 2 days. JT hit his first official homerun (to right field). His hit sparked the team to a 13-12 comeback after they had been runless for the first 3-innings.

I didn't get very many photos as both days were extremely windy but I got a few of JT catching. He played catcher for all 4 games with a few breaks to 1st base. He tagged two guys out at home.

We had to get him his own gear because the league didn't have anything that fit and call me crazy but I thought it was best that he be protected when having bats swung by his head and balls thrown at him. Now that he owns his own gear he wants to get his helmet airbrushed (we saw a kid on a kid-pitch team that had a dragon painted on his helmet). We found  Mathias Airbrushing online (see his image below) now I just need to find out how crazy-expensive it is to get your helmet customized!

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