

I have a love/hate relationship with facebook. I have tried so many times to quit but I just get sucked back in. I hate people asking me to be friends with them when we haven't spoken in ages and upon becoming friends they don't send a note to ask how things are going. I often feel like a pawn in people's game to see how many friends they can get. And I hate having the stress of accepting someone's invitation to be a friend if it is someone I don't like or someone I once deleted. Of course I do love that I get to be a total voyeur and view photos of people and their kids and honestly, a little less of the kids and more of how they have decorated their house.
All that said, I was on the dreaded facebook the other night and I saw that a friend had posted a comment to Mommy to Bee. Curious as to what that was all about, I clicked, clicked again, and eventually found myself absorbed in this blog. There is some amusing stuff and a good waste of time. Mom, Paula, Sue - you guys probably wouldn't be so interested but Angie, Michelle, Jackie - I think you may enjoy it a bit.

Everyone here is well. Work is busy hence my lack of blog updates. Both boys are still alive (barely) and Rick is gouty and wishing he would have married a nurse instead of a English major with a Masters in Technical Writing (all I can recommend books and help him read directions or create bulleted lists).
There is a gem of a video of ZachFu in his first indoor soccer game  that I will post soon. I can't seem to log in to facebook (obviously it knows I just bad-mouthed it) to pirate the clip from Rick's page.
Both boys are gearing up for baseball (season starts March 6), which means the blog will be full of baseball photos very soon.

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