Rick is sick (and as previously mentioned I am not a good nurse). I came home from work to help out and the boys were bouncing off the walls (dang MLK day!). Thankfully we have a very fabulous, super swell friend who offered to take them to the movies so I could work and Rick could suffer in peace. I don't feel guilty about her being alone with the boys because I know they (along with her child) were perfect angels; I do have shitload of guilt over the fact that she had to sit through this:
I probably would have never taken the boys to see this; I would have waited until it came out on DVD so I could multitask while "watching" it with them.
Now I just have to think of the right way to repay this super, fabulous friend (and rid myself of this guilt).
Oh you're so funny! It *was* quite painful, BUT we survived and I don't think I lost too many brain cells! And the cow patties are quite delish!
I took Owen and Miles to see it when I visited my parents in Nebraska. That gives you an idea of how exciting Grand Island is.
Unfortunately Miles loved the "Chippettes" and has taught Eli how to sing "all the single ladies". Chandra will know what I'm talking about if you don't!
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