
Needle Test

There is an old wives tale where you attach a needle to some thread, dangle the needle over your wrist, tap the needle three times on your wrist and then watch it spin. If it swings in a circular motion, you will have a girl and if it swings to and fro you will have a boy.Supposedly it will also tell you the number of kids you will have.

I don't recall who started it or why we did but we I remember a group of us would do this our freshman year when we lived in the basement at Guad Hall at Carroll College.I also have no recollection of what my needle prediction was but I distinctly remember that Katie would always get one girl no matter how many times we tried. (Side note for anyone that doesn't know: Kate is my dear, sweet, cute, super smart college roomie who is now the smartest orthopedic surgeon in Omaha.)

Katie is due on April 13th and I couldn't be more than happy for her and Mike. Of course it is a girl and there are rumors (started by me) that they are leaning towards the name Meghan. Katie and I have been through a lot together and I am more than excited to be part of her next exciting journey.

And for those of you that doubt me and this photo, I promise you she is pregnant.

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