
and then...

I've been feeling overwhelmed lately with the weight of it all - work, life, finances. It weighs on me and makes me sad and grumpy and I have even less patience with everyone at the house and then I feel bad for being so grumpy and then I get sad again and it goes around and around.

And then I get an update about coworker's 5 year-old son who had a near drowning experience while at summer daycare and 3 weeks later remains in the hospital, with the ventilator just removed, but still unsure of a long term prognosis.

And then a friend stops by  because she needs to unload the news that a good friend of hers just had to sit for 5 hours while her 3-year old had a tumor removed from his brain. They have to wait another 3-5 days to learn what the next steps will be.

And then I have to remember that things are just things. Money comes and goes, not everything has to be new and flashy, there doesn't have to be big fancy vacations, a house is just a house but what matters most (get ready for the cliche here) is family. I have 4 precious beings that no amount of money, a bigger house, a new car could replace. And while I can't wish away (believe me I've tried) some of life's daily problems or shirk my responsibilities, I have to remember to not let them eat at me all day and become a cloud that ruins my day and makes me miss out the limited amount of time I have with the kids because before I know it there will be graduations, the kids moving out, and what will eat away at me is how I wasted my time worrying about things rather than enjoying it.

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