When you meet another parent of twins, especially one that
has similar aged twins you instantly have this bond and if their kids are
older, I try to glean whatever tips, tricks, knowledge I can especially how to survive. Typically I am not one to warm up easily to others but there is
just something about meeting another parent of multiples that makes you willing
to share and gather.
Last week during Zach’s baseball tournament, the girls and I
were hanging out at the park while the team warmed up. My go-go-gadget eyeballs
immediately spotted another set of twins that were similar in age. The mom and
I started chatting about our twins. And of course one of the first
conversations you have is “how” did you have twins. Outside of the obvious
drunken night story, I am more than happy to tell the tale of my misread
ultrasound. I honestly feel like sharing this story is my own PSA to other
parents everywhere that think they may be
done with kids but haven’t taken those next solidifying steps to ensure
they are done and I always close with adding that despite the Pope not being a
fan, I tied my tubes. It may seem like a bit much especially for me but when
you are talking to another mom about your pregnancy, labor, etc these details
are easy to share. After my story, she tells me hers, which basically went, we
were done having kids because we only wanted one kid but then my son begged us
to have another and even though my husband said no, I convinced him and that is how we had twins. Of course I don’t want to pass too much judgment,
I mean it isn’t like my story doesn’t have questionable choices associated with
it but really? Her son wanted a sibling? I mean JT and Zach want a lot of shit
but I don’t give in on everything. Can you imagine if the boys asked me today
for more kids? Ha! Fools! Sure when you are married and have your own.
Anywho, we chatted some more about differences with twins
versus a singleton especially twin girls. Her girls (fraternal) were a year
older than the chickens so it was great to hear that the destructive nature of the
chickens is not only normal but won’t last forever. We chat. It feels nice to have bonded briefly
with a stranger. She won’t be my new BFF but that is ok. As we wind down our
chat, she decides she has to tell me
just one last tale about another friend of hers who is “older like you, I think
she is 42 now” (yes that is a quote and yes she is still alive) and has twins.
It appears this friend was working out a lot but her stomach kept getting
bigger despite her efforts so she goes to the doctor and learns that she is
having twins. No biggie right except she adds the puncher that this friend had
her tubes tied when she got pregnant. I kid you
not, she dropped that bomb and then as she called her daughters to leave
the playground, she said good-bye and added “so you should really be careful
because you could have more twins.”
I am certain, ok I know, that I have mentioned before the
things that you should never say to a parent of twins but I am now adding a new
one to my list.
Oh they are identical, I can tell them apart.
I always wanted to have twins.
I am exhausted and I only have one child!
Are those twins?
Did you know you can still get pregnant when
your tubes are tied?