
Mad Science

Science projects have to be on the top 10 list of parents most annoying school activities. JT and I have had two unsuccessful attempts with science projects.  In 4th grade it is required that you complete a project. We talked to JT about timelines, staying on top of the project, and most importantly that I had no desire to be working on it the night before it was due.

JT worked hard on his project, which he found in a book that Nana had given him (thanks!). He did most of it alone, which was impressive. But the best part, he took first place at school and qualified for the regional science fair. The second best part, he took first place at the regional fair.

It was a crazy day at the science fair and I wish I could explain the scene of me getting this photo but it involved two screaming babies, one attacking me for my camera, and one trying to crawl away (Zach and Rick were at baseball). Thankfully there was a former coworker at the science fair who took pity on me and held a screaming baby while I got one decent shot.

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