
shit shooters

When you are up nursing the power feeding duo between the hours of 1 AM to 5 AM  you spend a lot of time thinking. Usually this thinking is about random things such as:

  • Cleaning - not just any cleaning but serious cleaning like digging out crap buried in closets, baseboards, doors. I think it is some sort of delayed nesting.
  • Finances - who doesn't spend time thinking out this especially after adding two bundles to the house? And when you are relying on someone else to complete paperwork to ensure you get paid while on leave that makes you nervous. And of course there is getting taxes done and my upcoming performance review (which I am obviously not at work for) to stress about. And how can I not think about a new house and what we should be doing in that regards.
  • Crafting - honestly I am always thinking about the 500 projects I want to do but now I have 500 more thanks to Pinterest. And that ties in to me pondering where I should my office to since the chickens have taken my crafting/work space. 
  • Blogging - hundreds of times I have mentally crafted my blog entry about the birth and the girls but I never get a chance to actually write it. Even right now, when I think I have managed to get them to sleep for a morning nap, I hear them starting to stir.

So quickly, here is some basic Chicken news. Okay they were born, I think that is obvious. I was nervous about the whole c-section adventure but honestly, it went well. It was an odd experience, I don't know that I will ever have a moment again when I am walking down the hall and chatting casually with my OB and Anesthesiologist prior to a major surgery. The first 24-48 hours after the c-section were tough. I definitely could not have survived without the help of Rick the first night and Chandra the second, which made getting released a day early all that much nicer because I didn't have to force another friend to sleep on the couch and listen to me snore in between non-stop nursing sessions. 

The girls hit 3 weeks today. We don't officially have a schedule but most nights they do manage a good three hours straight which is heavenly for me. Most nights I manage to juggle the routine alone as one will wake first to nurse and then the other will either wake or I wake her. All-in-all, the whole routine lasts about an hour. We do get some nights that they both wake at the same time, which requires me to call for Rick via the monitor for back-up, which is really funny because I can only imagine how it is to be deep in sleep and hear a far away voice calling your name over baby screams.

The chickens are super nursers. It seriously makes me wonder how women handle nursing triplets and just how long you can really nurse twins. It hasn't been horrible, painful at times but not bad. I have yet to master tandem nursing even with my monster pillow and I am not sure I will but I have gotten good at nursing one and bottle feeding the other (during the day only, I am not awake enough at night to attempt this). I've also given in and let Rick give them some formula as despite my attempts to pump extra milk for bottles they suck that down too  quickly to last. If someone would have mentioned giving JT formula, I would have laughed and told them they were silly dumb but honestly, these girls need as much as they can and there is only one cow here so we have to do what we have to do.

So all this super nursing leads to super shit shooters. These girls are prolific and are obviously kin to Rick. I think one night alone we changed 10 poopy diapers between a 4 hour period. And being old pros at this we aren't afraid to wait out a poop and save a diaper but with these two it is just non-stop firing; we can wait a good 15 minutes for them to finish and no sooner do we remove the overflowing diaper then they start at it again. I know my memory fails me but I swear, the boys were never like this. 

The boys are both doing well and taking to having babies in the house like champs. I know this can't be easy for them but they are old enough to be helpful including changing diapers, holding babies so I can at least use the bathroom, and helping get various items (burp rags, diapers, beer...just joking).

 I can't imagine twins and having younger children. I've heard people say something along the line of "god gives us only what we can handle..." I have to say that what ever supreme being or reason there is for me having twins at this stage in my life, the sentiment holds true. There is no way I would have been able to deal with twins as my first set of babies. I know I wouldn't have know any different but you are so obsessive as a new parent and so clueless that twins would have pushed me over the edge. The chickens are by no means easy but I think this is far easier having survived two babies already. We are both more relaxed and not afraid to ask for help or let things slide (you can read that as not cleaning).

So the girls are finally napping. I am going to frantically run around and try to accomplish at least one thing or maybe another thing since I successfully got a blog post done. I promise more pictures soon.


two weeks and counting

I have so much to say about life with the girls but right now it is 10:30 PM and they still think they need to be up. Rick and I are both frantically typing while they cry in their room. They prefer a midnight bedtime.
I am loading some photos of the girls from tonight. The boys helped with their first official real baths. Kat is in the pink and Lizzie is in yellow.

The boys have been awesome. They are doting brothers and super helpful. I know this can't be easy for them. JT already asked when will they be more fun.

Rick and I also have to give thanks to all of our amazing friends. We have gotten so many fabulous meals, Starbucks, and tons of visitors to help hold babies while I ply myself off the couch and feel like a functioning human rather than the milkmaid 2000. We have some amazing friends who are loving on Jet while we get our bearings with the chickens. I just don't know if we could do it without all the help and support.

The girls had their 2 week appointment today. Both have gained weight and are looking good.


And the chickens finally arrive

We are all at home and doing well. Trying to adjust to things.
Here are a few photos (or a lot). I will get more updates on the blog soon but I know that this is what everyone really wants right now.

The Chickens