
two weeks and counting

I have so much to say about life with the girls but right now it is 10:30 PM and they still think they need to be up. Rick and I are both frantically typing while they cry in their room. They prefer a midnight bedtime.
I am loading some photos of the girls from tonight. The boys helped with their first official real baths. Kat is in the pink and Lizzie is in yellow.

The boys have been awesome. They are doting brothers and super helpful. I know this can't be easy for them. JT already asked when will they be more fun.

Rick and I also have to give thanks to all of our amazing friends. We have gotten so many fabulous meals, Starbucks, and tons of visitors to help hold babies while I ply myself off the couch and feel like a functioning human rather than the milkmaid 2000. We have some amazing friends who are loving on Jet while we get our bearings with the chickens. I just don't know if we could do it without all the help and support.

The girls had their 2 week appointment today. Both have gained weight and are looking good.

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