
oh my!

Let's chat about cameras. I like taking photos and  it is especially easy when you have two fairly cute boys to take photos of. When JT was born, I had post-partum panic attack about not being able to get photos out to my parents and far-away friends quick enough with the old-fashioned film cameras so early one morning I sent Rick out to buy our first digital camera. I remember looking through the newspaper ads, finding one that seemed affordable, and shooing Rick out (although I have a feeling he was all to happy to get out for a break). We used that lovely Fuji camera for a few years and that is when I realized I don't really like taking photos, I LOVE taking photos and digital cameras fill my instant gratification need (lack of patience) perfectly. So before Zach was born, we made the plunge, went to a real camera store and bought a fancy Minolta that I thought was the Holy Grail of cameras. I loved that camera and we made plans to run away together until one fateful day when Rick and Grandpa Pete sunk my camera in a North Carolina lake. The story is too painful to retell but I soon found myself at Target  settling for a Kodak camera. Don't get me wrong, this little Kodak camera has been a good friend but there are days when I yearn for a little something more. Something that will help me take even better action shots of the boys at baseball; something that doesn't require me to stand at the fence and poke my lens through the hole to get a shot; something that will take awesome photos. I have craved a DSLR camera but I just haven't been able to justify the expense. I am still not sure I can justify but I have fallen in love with this guy and soon he will be mine. It is a huge $ investment and I am super stressed about it but also super excited.

My sweet little camera comes with an additional lens (and yes I did order a red one). Really, I am a bit intimidated and clueless about this DSLR world I am entering but sweet blog readers, get ready because I feel certain you are going to get some photos that rock your world! Ok, that part may be a bit much but my camera should arrive in time to take it to the beach and capture every day of our week long visit with the cutest girl in Portland. Bear with me as I learn how to use it.
I have bothered Rick incessantly about making such a large purchase. And in true Rick form, he just sweetly tells me that if I really want it I should get it. He has warned me that I must take good care of this camera (he has issues with my care of the Kodak but let's be honest we weren't a match made in heaven, we were just a temporary arrangement that has lasted for 5 years). So I am making a small blanket and bed for this new baby that will sleep with me and basically go where ever I go. I am worried about having to lug yet another thing to baseball games as I already look like a bag lady but I am sure I will manage.

You will no doubt hear more from me about this camera and you will no doubt get lots of photos very soon!

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