
Happy Valentine's Day

Well, it may be official, I think my camera may have died. At first I thought it was a battery issue but I just can seem to get any batteries to work. Anywho, while I work on the camera issue (yes, I admit I would  LOVE to purchase a new camera but I am not looking forward to paying for a new camera) the best photo I could get for you today is this one.

Zach is beyond excited about Valentines day and his class party. I know you can't really see but he is wearing his button down shirt (he has had this outfit planned now for about 2 weeks) and yes he has a flower tucked in his pocket. I am not sure why but some little girl gave him a fake rose last week so I cut it for his pocket. And yes, that was something he requested.

I have some photos of how we spent our Valentines weekend; it has to do with baseball but they are stuck on my camera and I am not sure the ones I took with my phone are any good. I can let you know that our team took 2cd in the tournament. It was a long weekend but lots of fun.

1 comment:

Chandra said...

Oh he is a smoooooth operator! How stinking cute is he???? Sorry to hear about your camera, but woo hoo for camera shopping!!