

There were some big goings on tonight at the Lucas house, Zachy graduated from Pre-K. It was quite the event with singing, diplomas, a photo slide show of the year's activities, and the best part some ice-cream with the Basharas afterwards.

Here are a few shots from the big night. I finally got a new photo editing tool so I am working on figuring out how to use it so bear with me just a little longer.


The Power of a Sharpie

After the Pirates left the field at the Round Rock Express game all the families got settled in with hot dogs and drinks to watch the game. We were all happy and relaxed and then someone asked me what Zach was doing. We all turned to see Zach with sharpie in hand on the sidewalk.

We will no doubt go back and check on this display to see what becomes of it as I am unsure if a powerhose can match the staying power of a Sharpie. I suggested that we contact Sharpie and see if they want to use Zachy as a spokesman.

Pirate Night at Round Rock Express

At each Round Rock Express game, a youth team gets to run out on the field and stand in their position with the RRE player for the national anthem.It is one of those random things that you always wonder how those kids get out on the field. Well this year I discovered how the teams get out there and signed the Pirates up.

The boys had a great time and the RRE players were so awesome and actually spent time talking to the boys and signing balls.

I am still without a photo editing tool so you just have to bear with the unedited photos.

Spring 2010 PYSA Pirates

Waitng and Watching


Running out to the field.

JT and Zach M. opted to go to Catcher


Nerdy Mom Day

JT can read. It has been going on for a while now (darn that education) but he has really gotten the swing of it and has started reading books on his own. The problem is that he seems a bit overwhelmed with all his choices and has a hard time settling on one book and completing it but when he finds one he sticks with it. And like his mother when he finds a series he wants to read the entire set. This is what happened with Diary of aWimpy Kid. Rick bought JT one at the Spring Book Fair and JT read it within 24 hours and then wanted the others. Admittingly Rick and I are a sucker for two things when it comes to the boys' demands, books and  fruit. I ran JT to 1/2 Price Books and of course they didn't have the book so I promised to take him out this weekend and then Rick suggested we try the library. I hesitated, due to my colored past with the Spokane library (I think they still have a wanted posted for me hanging up), but decided to conquer my fear and try it out.
Long library story short, they didn't have the Diary of the Wimpy Kid series (they have 7 copies of each but they are all out and the best we could do is get on a waiting list) but JT did get something incredible, his very own Library Card! It was such an exciting moment for me. I remembered all the summer days I would spend at the library and how exciting it was to discover new books and quickly get them home to read. And now JT could do the same. It was so fun to listen to him talk about how many books he could check out at a time and ask if he could ride his bike to the library this summer to get books. It made me so proud to be his mom and so incredibly excited that he is experiencing the joy that books can bring. I can't wait to watch his reading and book taste develop. I just hope that he is better at returning books on time than I was; I am not sure Rick and I have a savings account large enough to cover late book fees.
And just in case anyone is concerned, JT has in his possession all three Diary of a Wimpy kid book thanks to his friend Rhys lending his.


Mama Horsey

Work has been really, super busy. Have I complained about that yet? It is a tough thing to complain about because me being busy means there is some job security, just maybe the economy is picking up, and of course there is that whole end of year bonus tied to the company's results (blah, blah, blah). Anywho, I obviously digress but with things being so busy, I have been getting up early to work. And for anyone not familiar with the Lucas house setup, I use the front bedroom as an office, which is right next to the boys' bedroom.

Being next to the boys has afforded me the  luxury of learning that Zach talks in his sleep almost every morning between the hours of 4:30 and 5:30. This morning he was fussing about not liking the cheese and then someone else was making him do something he didn't want. Oh the injustices to Zachy, even while he sleeps. Being up early and next to the boys, also means that I have gotten to witness this gem of a moment.

Transportation Day

Zach's school hosted Transportation Day. Each child was to dress up as their favorite means of transportation and then they paraded around the school and the parking lot for the other students and teachers. The guideline was to use a box but Zach's mom didn't follow the rules.