
My Baby

Tonight is Meet the Teacher Night for Kindergarten and I have to admit that I am in a bit of denial about what this means. When JT started school my emotions were a mix of anxiety, excitement, and sadness. Now after two years it is just part of our routine. We spend a lot of time at the school with volunteering, attending school functions, and just the every day drop-off/pck-up routine. Zach is well known (and in a good way) by lots of the faculty and staff and even students. Taking Zach to school seems second nature but whenever we have gone, I have taken him back home with me. I have never left him there for an entire day! Is he really ready? Shouldn't he stay home one more year? Maybe two more years? JT was ready, JT begged to go to school! Zach says he wants to go to school but he isn't counting down the days or driving me crazy about having all his supplies ready like his brother.

 Honestly, Zach is so laid back and easy going that it is hard to tell what his take is on this whole school adventure. I think he is excited to be "big" now, going to to school with his brother, and most importantly he is dyring to meet some friends his age so he doesn't have to tag around with his brother or get left behind by his brother.

I know I will cry. I will probably cry tonight when we take Zachy to meet his teacher and I most definitely will cry on Tuesday when I have to drop him off. And the worst part is that it dawned on me the other day when our favorite babysitter came by to say good-bye before leaving for college in Missouri that this is just the beginning. We joked about her mom crying when she drops her off but inside I realized that soon (and I know time is going to fly) that will be us, and if kinder gets me this worked up then there is no telling what college is going to do to me.

Just to lighten up this sad post a little, I am jumping ahead a bit from the vacation overview to post a few photos of Zachy turning 5. I didn't edit these yet but with a little guy this cute, who cares!

Yes - his mom and his nana forgot to bring candles to the lake

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