
72 Hours in Texas

There is some catchy little phrase about Central Texas weather - something like - "Give it 5 minutes and it will change." Well here is what we had for the past few days. Sunday (no photo sorry) was a glorious day of 70 degree weather; the sun was out and it felt fabulous. Monday was a little dreary and cooler but not horrible. Then Tuesday rolled in.

Tuesday about 10 AM - small sleet like flakey things

Tuesday about 11:30ish - larger white things that I haven't seen a long time

Tuesday - just a few minutes later

Tuesday about 6 PM - most of the snow has gone slushy but we had some fabulous snowball fights

Wednesday - was a glorious sunshine filled day with a high in the 50s. I noticed a few snowmen got a bit skinner but they were still holding their own. And after school the kids found a tiny patch of left-over snow and tried to have one last snowball fight. We are expecting 60s today so I am not sure the snowmen will make it but it was definitely great fun to have snow for a day.


Lauren Update

I know some of you have been wondering how the cutest little girl (she is almost 2 so I don't think she wants to be known as baby anymore) in Portland is doing. Her parents promise me she has plenty of shoes; she just opts to remove them when riding.


Getting to Know Zachy

Zachy was Star of the Week this past week. Here are his answers for the Star of the Week poster. I know you will be surprised that Star Wars made the list of favorites!

Star Wars

Have you see the awesome cool Star Wars bedding Pottery Barn has?

Have you seen the not so awesome price?
Now you can check out my even awesomer bedding made for a 1/4 of the price of PBkids thanks to Ebay and a fabulous clearance day at Target.

My photos aren't the best but the underside is black (I am sure I will some day regret that decision) and the top is a vintage Return of the Jedi sheet that someone on Ebay no longer wanted. Zachy loves it and so do I. I need to decide how I want to close up the bottom (seal it so the duvet can't come out or leave access for better cleaning). It may involve me learning how to make a button-hole so for now I am going to bask in my glory, laugh at PBKids, and try to get JT's bedspread done and posted up here.

Zach Fuism at 6 AM

There was no school today, which meant we let the boys stay up late hoping that they would then sleep in. At 5:30 AM, we heard the two of them up talking. Eventually they made their way in to our room and I learned the following two things from Zach/
  1. Today (Friday) is Abracan Winken Day
  2. To crack an egg on someone's head you must do the following:
    1. Make your hand like a rock
    2. Stomp it on someone's head
    3. Make the yellow stuff drip down on them


Somebody is getting older...

Happy (40th) Birthday to Rick!