
a break from poop

The blog world fascinates me most likely because it feeds my voyeuristic tendencies. If I was in grad school, I would study blogs, write long papers on blogs, or become a blog expert. But I am not longer in grad school so instead I take breaks from work to check out blogs. Some blogs are of close friends that aren't close, some are of friends that I see daily but still like to be inspired by their pages, others are blogs of friends of friends, and some blogs are from random people that I would never in a million years get to meet but for some reason can't pull myself away from their worlds.

So all this long winded blog talk because I stumbled (and don't ask me how because it will require at least 5 more rambling paragraphs) across the following blog. It is an interesting story, or rather it is a heartbreaking story and as I read through there were times where I felt I shouldn't be reading this because I don't know these people but they want to share or they wouldn't have a blog. I have spent way too much time sucking it all in and when I was done my odd grad student self couldn't help but think how fascinating it is that I can learn about some one's life without even knowing them and how a community formed in support of one family all because they have a blog.

So here you go, waste some precious time, and meet a woman and her family that you'd never in a million years have the chance to meet if it wasn't for her blog.


Note: I admit I cry easily, commercials, TV shows, etc. so it should come as no surprise that I did cry while reading this blog. Just be warned, most of you probably won't cry but I did.

1 comment:

Suzette said...

Last year i ran across a random blog about a little boy that had all sorts of unknown medical problems. He only lived 2 years and suffered tremendously but it was amazing to see the beauty his parents found in the little things and how they managed as a family.