
slacker with cool tile

I am still here but I've been miserably sick for the past few weeks. It started first with a fever, got better around Thanksgiving, and then turned into a very nasty stomach virus. Unfortunately both boys have had this mysterious stomach virus that seems to hang on. I think we've had at least 4 nights of "MOOOOMMMMM...I have puke!" I am not sure if Rick and I should be proud that we are a well-oiled machine when it comes to cleaning up puke and pukey kids. The good news is that Rick hasn't gotten it and I am really hoping he doesn't.

And since I've talked about it long enough, it is about time I show some photos of the fabulous tile Rick has installed. The photo is of the stuff that we put in the kitchen, laundry room, entry way, and the boy's bathroom. Our bathroom has similar tile that is a bit darker. I definitely found the best tiler in Texas; I am willing to loan him out to anyone who needs him.


The Ogden's said...

The tile looks GREAT!
Sorry you have been so sick - stomach bugs are the WORST!
Hope you are all on the mend!

thenguyens said...

The tile looks awesome. I'm sure I wouldn't recognize your house now! Hope the puking stopped. Can't wait to see you!!!

Anonymous said...

Great! We are looking at learning to tile when we get to our new house. Maybe Rick can come over and show us how!
