
Zach's and Nora's Birthday Party

I didn't get a chance to capture very many photos but here are a few. The party was this past Saturday evening. Besty and I tried to keep it low key which is easy to do since the Sunstroms have a very cool tire swing and tree house in their backyard. We added some water balloons, squirt guns, bouncey, hot dogs, beer, and cake. I am not sure what else a 3 year old or an adult could want on a hot July evening. It was a fabulous time and we want to thank all of our friends for coming and helping us celebrate.
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Click on the contact sheet to enlarge and see the photos.


thenguyens said...

Nice collage of pictures. Wish we could've been there to join in the fun. Happy Birthday and love to the youngest Lucas!

Anonymous said...

Wow, quite the birthday party and cakes! -Katie