
Graduation 2008

Well the big day finally came: Graduation from Preschool. I have to admit that I cried. I ahve no idea why I cried; it wasn't a big surprise that he was graduating nor was it an incredibly moving ceremony but none-the-less, the minute he walked through the door and took his seat the tears started rolling.
JT has asked every day since when kindegarten starts. We keep trying to explain that he needs to relax and enjoy his summer.

JT and his buddy Wyatt

Zach was fascinated with the sherbert/sprite punch that they made for the graduation party.


thenguyens said...

I don't know why I'm crying either. Maybe because I'm going to miss out on JT going to kindergarten. I've been trying to piece together photo albums for Miles & Owen. I ran across the first picture of Miles and JT...the close up one where they have "deer in the headlight" eyes. Sorry to ramble. I miss you. I miss the boys. In response to your comment about us settling in here. No Way!

Chandra said...

I'm not ready for these kids to grow up! Tell them to stop - or better yet, just have another!

Anonymous said...

Watching them grow up is so fun and so scary at times. JT is turing into such a big boy and I am amazed at how much he has changed since I first met him.
He is going to be a wonderful kindergartener!