
When 30 Somethings Have a Slumber Party

Friday night Suzette begged me to come help her decorate 150 cookies for Bella's Spring Carnival. Stupid me, I agreed despite only having slept 4 hours the night before due to a Philly School District bid. Needless to say, when I arrived instead of cookies I was greeted by my dear sweet friends, jello shots, margaritas, yummy food, and divine cupcakes.
We got crazy mommy style in celebration of my upcoming 33rd. We had wild times, which are forever recorded as quarter marks on Suzette's kitchen table (oops!). When we did get up from the kitchen table, we opted to get a little crazy with the camera and Bella's transportation project for school. The sad part is that Karen (see the gal in the orange sweatshirt) had no idea we (and when I say we I mean Karen since she took most of the photos) took photos! After much prodding, she finally discovered there were photos on her camera. Good thing she got them before the dad's did at the park!
A BIG thanks to the gals. It was a fabulous party. It was our first slumber party and I think we proved that both dads and kids can survive without us for one night. We are now in planning mode for our April Ode to the 80's Prom Party (aka Karen's birthday party). Turns out that our English friends don't have slumber parties or proms.

And yes, these are the most presentable photos of the bunch.


Suzette said...

Ah to be young and carefree again, even if only for one night : )

Chandra said...

That was some good times! I'm soooo looking forward to the prom!

Anonymous said...

Wow. A picture of me wearing a boat and I have no recollection of having worn it. I must have had a good time.

The Ogden's said...

Soooo sorry I missed the fun!

Anonymous said...

Looked like it was great fun, I wish I could remember everythng. Perhaps I'll have more luck at my Prom night (I get to be Queen right?)