I am dedicating an entire post to Zachy. Primarly because many of you have not had the pleasure of hanging with Zach but also because 20 years down the road, I want to prove to him that I had just as many photos and did things for him that I didn't do for JT.
The easiest thing to say about Zach is that he is CRAZY. A friend once told me he loves watching Zach because you can tell that no matter what is going on around him, he is in his own little world, devising his own little plan. Most of these plans involve destruction, specifically destruction of anything that will upset JT.
When Zach isn't destroying, he is absolutely adorable. He knows this and will usually give you a sweet little smile that makes it hard to be angry at him even though he did something rotten like, dumping orange juice all over the coffee table in an attempt to pour his own cup because Rick wasn't answering his request quick enough.
The other night after putting the boys to sleep, Zachy was three appearances in to his nightly routine of coming out of his bedroom to request something like milk, a band-aid for a boo-boo, or just to see what it is we are doing. Rick suggested that this time we ignore him. So the two of us sat still pretending to be absorbed in the paused TV program. Zach sensing he wasn't getting the typical "Go to bed" treatment, beelined it for a small plastic bug that was on the floor. He picked it, inspected it and then declared "Bug! Ouch!" repeatedly while proudly showing us the bug. He then came up next to me, walked the bug up my arm while make some growling sounds and repeated "Bug! Ouch!" Rick and I busted out laughing, which satisfied Zach and he took his bug to bed and remained there until the morning.
If anyone is interested in spending time with Zach, just let us know. We are more than happy to ship him anywhere for an extended visit. We promise it will be hours of entertainment.