
That's What She Said

There have been so many moments in life where someone has made a comment to me, mainly about children. Often these comments don't resonate until years later. In fact in the moment, I was usually (or I am) annoyed, probably rolled my eyes or complained to Rick about it later. Things like, "Enjoy your free time now, because soon you will wonder what you did before you had kids." or "Enjoy every moment because they grow up really fast."

This coming fall marks a milestone for us - JT enters high school, Zach moves to 7th, and the girls embark on their elementary school career. As an incoming freshman baseball player, you are asked to play in a summer league. It is a relaxed team, practice once a week and double-headers with other pre-freshman teams. I feel like JT has been waiting all of his life for this moment. Last night was the first practice and I have to admit a bit emotional for me as I watched all these boys (who aren't really looking like boys anymore), most of whom we've known since kinder, play baseball.  I thought about a friend who warned me about this very day; the day when I would see my baby not as much of a baby anymore and how quickly these next four years will go and how quickly he will change. And now that it is here, I am listening and watching every moment because I don't want to miss a single thing and I definitely want to be sure that I can turn to the mom I see with her 4 year-old baseball player and tell her to enjoy every single moment because it really does go quicker than you can imagine.

JT at 4 on his first team

First high school practice (he is in there in the gray shirt!)

Spring game

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