While looking through my stories that I've chronicled for the past nine years I came across this post and specifically this statement:
And in case you are doing the math (because the boys did it this morning). When Zach heads to 7th grade and JT is in his his first year in high school, Rick and I should be celebrating but instead we will be in the cafeteria listening to Mr. Riley warning the kinder parents that before we know it, we will back in the cafeteria for 5th grade orientation.
Yes I know it is only March but this is happening this year. How did this happen? How did JT end up being almost a high school freshman? He has 12 weeks left in middle school. The girls have 12 weeks left in pre-school and then it is summer. We have no real plans yet just lots of ideas. Despite the insanity that exists on a daily basis at this house I am making a mental note to enjoy and savor this summer. In four years when Rick asks me to remember something about the kids I will no doubt scroll through this post and probably cry a little because in just four short years JT will heading to college and if he has his way it will be out of State. Zach will be going in to his junior year of high school and the girls will be entering 4th grade. Definitely not ready for any of this.
Lulu on the left and Kat on the right - what are they doing you ask? They cut out Shimmer and Shine from napkins and taped them (we go through A LOT of tape in this house) to skewers. They did puppet shows for each other.
Zach after a day of kick-start competition - he qualified for the State tournament in April
And what would a blog post be without reference to baseball. JT at the first tourney of the weekend,