
the first tri

I wish I could say that this post was all about me and my amazing accomplishment but it isn't, it is all about JT and honestly, any feelings I would have about myself completing a tri are far out down by the pride I feel for what JT accomplished today.

A little back story - we had a great spring baseball season, perhaps one of the best we've ever had - not so much in wins but in coaching and overall teamness (that is a new word I just created). JT worked harder than he ever has, which if you've ever had the pleasure of seeing him play is saying a lot. The coaches this year stressed conditioning and when the season ended and the coaches told all the boys that regardless of what they do in the summer and fall the boys better come back in the same shape the coaches left them or they may not make the team.

JT pondered what he wanted to do for a few weeks and then during one of our daily swims another mom mentioned her daughter was signed up for Triathlon training. JT spent a few days researching training, what kids tris were coming up, and then asked if he could do the InspireKids Tri. There were a few hurdles the biggest being a bike suitable for the race (his Redline wouldn't be a good choice) and proper swim wear.

JT asked a few neighbors if he could mow their lawns, started swimming laps daily, and found a bike a goodwill that he fixed up and started riding around the hood. His grandparents bought him he long coveted tri-shorts while in Spokane.

Which leads to today. It was great to watch him compete. His swimming was good, we worried about him during the bike portion and noticed when he did appear that the seat didn't seem high enough and it was making him have to pedal oddly. He ended up having to use my bike as his was good enough for the streets here but was not legal for competition. He also had a wipe out during the run and came in the finish gate with a bloody leg but what matters most is that he did it. And by did it, I mean: he swam 200M, biked 6 miles, and ran 1.2 miles.

And after a long day of sleeping and lounging he has already asked to compete in the Pflugerville Tri this September. I guess the rest of us need to step it up a bit.

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