

So I think Zach deserves a little blog time because he is so dang fun and absolutely frustrating all in one bundle. He is the Lucas Enigma.

Zach fascinates me. He is a kid that has no fear. He is more Rick than me. He will walk in to a room full of strangers and feel completely comfortable. He has a great sense of humor and coins such gems as thumb toe (for your big toe), hookers (for hangers), and Rickterd (because Rick didn't like us calling him Richard). He learns by watching and when he feels he is ready, he jumps in. He is super sweet especially to the chickens and a huge help to me when it is just the 4 of us. He has buckets of patience and will sing and calm crying babies. He has an incredible memory and ability to recall information (although his information is sometimes questionable). On the other hand, he is completely stubborn (another Rick trait), prefers you don't tell him what to do, isn't a big fan of doing school work (as opposed to JT who obsesses about school work) and as of late has gotten a tad bit argumentative.

Things Zach likes (in no particular order):
  • Meat - any sort but he prefers ham, salami, and sausage although not so much chicken
  • Chocolate milk
  • Donuts
  • Mexican food especially beans and tortillas (with lots of cheese). I want to note that he absolutely hates lasagna and will puke if you try to feed it to him.
  • Dixie Chicks - This is his current music obsession (you may recall a few months back it was Lady Gaga). He will only listen to the Top of the World CD because I mentioned I got it after he was born
  • Dancing, dancing, dancing - this kid loves to cut a rug and honestly will dance with no shame regardless of audience or location - imagine a little Napoleon Dynamite
  • Cincinnati Reds - not sure why this team (he also likes the Rangers). To this day he believes that the greatest gift he was ever given was Rick driving by Reds ballpark at 80 mph on the road trip to NY.
  • WWE (that is professional wrestling) - Rick introduced the boys one day and now it is often a dinner topic
  • Legos - hours and hours and hours are spent - he is currently working on a houseboat
  • Star Wars - this has slacked off some with this obsession but it is still he go to especially when you combine it with legos

1 comment:

Chandra said...

Ha ha! Love the picture of him pointing! That is such a Zach pose.