
Things That Make Us Happy

I am sitting at the kitchen bar this morning watching JT cook french toast including his new experimental PB&J stuffed for everyone. The chickens and I are opting for original french toast but it is fun to watch him cook. Zach is hanging out with  legos (big surprise!). And Rick is exposing us to some new tunes that he has been listening to. Not too shabby of a Sunday morning.

Zach's teacher is always talking to us about excited Zach is for his sisters and that during Writers Workshop he writes a lot about the girls. Recently they had a project where they talked about things that make them happy and drew pictures.

In case it is hard to decipher, from left to right, Zach's bike, me on the ultra-sound table getting the announcement that we are having girls, and a swing set.

I hope everyone is getting to do something that makes them happy to today. After breakfast, I am sneaking off to Jo Anns!

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