
sore piggies

I admit that there have been several nights in my past that I've sat on the couch, eating ice cream and watching people work-out on The Biggest Loser. I admit that we have watched a few seasons and each season the contestants are asked to do this crazy exercise where the trainers start them on a treadmill and then crank up the speed super high and make them run for 60 seconds. Rick and I always talk about wanting to try this but really, who wants to be at the gym and try this out? This is one of those that you have to do in the privacy of your own home.

So this weekend, we were in Oklahoma for Rick's grandpa's 90th birthday (a post on that in a few) and we stayed with his Aunt Diane who just happens to have a treadmill. The boys were monkeying around and Rick turned up the speed a little with the boys on it and I made a few mom comments about being careful and then jumped in the shower. So let's go ahead and point out some red flags here: Rick showed the boys how to jack up the speed, we both walked away, and neither boys had shoes on.

The next thing I know is that I hear screaming, I hear Rick yelling, I hear hysterical crying. I get out of the shower to find Zachy lying on the floor crying. Rick said he walked in to find Zachy basically flying on the treadmill as JT had hiked it up as high as it could go and Zachy was holding on for dear life. He came away with minor injuries, swore he couldn't walk for a good hour (I honestly don't blame him), and it was almost impossible to bathe him for a day without screams. Luckily there were no trips to the hospital but his feat do look a little worse for the wear.

Here are his poor little Fred Flinestone feet.

And the best news is that he prefers to wear flip flops so no need to stress about wearing shoes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is so not funny, but still I was dying reading this. (Biggest Loser watching makes me hungry, too!)
