
Dayton, Ohio

Our first stop enroute to NY was Dayton. Why Dayton you say? Well, because Rick and JT decided that life couldn't go on if they didn't see the Dayton Dragons play.
We had a great time at the game. They have a cool stadium and some good music/entertainment on the jumbo-tron but the crowd wasn't very involved. One of the coolest things they had were their dragons on the scoreboard. When the DD hit a homerun they blow a foghorn and then the dragon's eyes light up and smoke comes out of his nose.
Both boys also got balls at the game. JT got the first foul ball that was hit our direction and then later when another was hit the boys were two of many asking the bullpen for the ball but when the players didn't pass it back everyone but Zachy and JT left at which point Zachy said "Can I please have that ball?" How could they say no?
Another highlight was the Retired Village People that came out inbetween innings to do their moves to YMCA. We rated the ballpark 3rd on our list (behind RR Express and Springfield) but now I am wondering why as it was a fun game.

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