
The Potty Chronicles Part 5

This may be our last chapter as Zach has really taken to the potty and big boy underwear. He even insists that he stands.

With this new found freedom from diapers the following traits have evolved:

  • Zachy can now whistle. He whistles a lot. One morning, shall we say around 3 AM, he was in our bed whistling. He claims that the loss of diapers has freed his inner-whistler.
  • Zachy is a potty critic. I give fair warning to all that invite us over, Zachy will critique the cleanliness of your toilet. I was showering the other morning and Zach came in and announced that he was going to use the potty. He talked to me about the potty and then said "Mom, it is really dirty up on the sides. I think I should clean it." At first I did the usual half-listening mom acknowledgement until it dawned on me that he was probably getting the toilet brush out and doing lord only knows what with it. I quickly pulled open the curtain and was happy to see he had yet to start cleaning. We agreed we would do it together at which point he told me the following (and yes, it was delivered with complete disgust at my ignorance):

Me: Zach, why don't we wait and clean the potty together?
Zach: Ok, I'll do the second part.
Me: What is the second part?
Zach: The part that comes after the first part.

  • The final newly discovered bathroom trait is that Zach decides that he will walk away from us no matter where we are or what we are doing to go and use the bathroom. Twice while out at restaurants (I have eye witnesses that can attest to this) Zach has removed himself from the table and somehow managed to correctly identify the way to the bathroom.


Chandra said...

What a smartie! Can you have Zachy talk to Izzy about night night panties?

Anonymous said...

I'm suddenly grateful that Eli doesn't know how to whistle.