
December Highlights

I've been remiss on updating this month so I am posting a collection of our activities for the first few weeks in December. This list includes the Christmas Festival in Georgetown, Texas where JT and Zachy attempted to rock climb and Sam was snowed on. Cookie making with mom; I think I had over 100 cookies when all was said and done. A quick visit from Eli Nguyen. The boys did their first 1K, The Jingle Race. JT was disappointed with how short a 1K actually is and has asked to run a 5k. Zachy had fun too however I knew that having him at the front of the line wasn't the best idea; he started the race but then quickly had a collision with a little girl. Rick tried convincing Zachy to run but he decided it wasn't as fun as he thought. While at the race, JT met up with his kinder buddy William and his twin Katherine and their older brother Patrick. There are also a few photos from Zachy's Christmas party at school.

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