
no news

i just got reprimanded for not posting anything new. i am sad to say that i actually have nothing to report. i am buried beneath bills, halloween craft from judes, pants that need to be hemmed, halloween costumes that need to be made, kids who only talk about star wars (the movie and the lego wii game), a house that never seems to be cleaned, tball, a mound of halloween decorations (yes, i am putting it out - i conferred with three friends and they all got out their decor this past weekend), kindergarten homework (do you know how hard it is to find 5 pictures that start with the letter N), more tball, and trying to catch up on all things politics so i can defend myself when a friendly but debate hungry coworker wants to discuss my political/moral viewpoint.
needless to say, i am tired.


Chandra said...

It's okay Meghan - my life is so fascinating these days I'm blogging about lizards and teacups.

Suzette said...

i'm still waiting for an update...