
it is fall ball time (again)

It is time for fall ball in Texas. We are the Astros this season. We had our first game on Saturday and had a fabulous time. We were able to keep most of our same players from our previous 4 seasons, which makes for even more fun. JT isn't too pleased in these photos because he had been up, dressed, and ready to play since 8 but our game wasn't until noon.


Suzette said...

Go Astros!!

Chandra said...

It's hard being all dressed up with no place to go!

thenguyens said...

Is it OK to call an almost 6 year old adorable? If so, that's what he is! I so wish JT could come to Owen's baseball birthday party! I need your help planning. What do I do with 12 second graders if it rains? My house is tiny.