
water and paint

After a bazillion days of sun and hot weather and three days of me obsessing over the weather radar, we finally woke up to the wondrous sound of rain. It has been raining on and off all morning, which led all three boys to wander around the house saying "What can we do today?" So being the most fabulous mom I am (or really just needing a few minutes to get some work done), I busted out the paints. Who cares about the kitchen floor, Rick is going to be ripping it up sooner or later.
Zach takes it slow at first, opting to use a paint brush.

JT decides to see what car wheels can do with paint on them.

I left Rick in charge while I took a work call only to come back and find that Sully (who was supposed to be used for footprints) had been repainted.

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