
1st Day

I am not sure where summer has gone but it is officially over at the Lucas house as today we started kindergarten.
JT was up at 6 am. I strongly suggested that he lay back down and rest but he insisted he couldn't sleep and was extremely worried that Rick and I would forget to wake him up for his first day.
It was pure pandemonium at the school. I am very happy that we took our supplies last Friday b/c it gave us some time to talk to JT's teacher and avoid the craziness of this morning. There were parents everywhere and I felt bad for the teacher b/c all of them had questions and wanted to talk to her and you could tell all she wanted to do was get started with the kids. Don't get me wrong, I have a million questions I want to ask the teacher but I kept them all inside. If it hadn't been for Rick, politely telling me we needed to let Ms. Laurence have her class, I probably would have stayed all day.
As far as crying goes;I did really well. I held it in the entire time and then we got in to the hall and while I was congratulating myself on being Iron Eyes Meghan, some PTO/school helper lady walked by and made some comment like "What? No tears this morning?" Well that made me tear up. We made it out of the school and after our usual morning run, I think I may be okay.

Here are my photos. I didn't get as good of ones as I had hoped. I was too stressed. I am regretting it now. I also managed to delete the photo of JT's backpack, which he picked out. I'll try to get one today when I pick him up but to keep the suspense at a low, JT insisted on a Cubs backpack. And finally, for those of you wondering, he did get a haircut. maybe more of a trim then an all over cut. We will try to get a little more cut off in a month or so.


Suzette said...

Yeah JT! He looks so cute on his bike and like such a big boy locking it up. **sniff, sniff** I bet Zach is enjoying being the big boy at home. : )

Class of 2022 - wow!

The Ogden's said...

Woo Hoo! Wow, can't believe we have kids old enough to be in Kinder :)

Chandra said...

Wow. Okay, now you have me crying...thanks a lot.

jackie said...

Dang...I'm tearing up and I've never even met your kids! I'm in trouble when our time comes. BTW, he is fricking adorable.

thenguyens said...

JT's so lucky he gets to ride his bike! Unbelievable that Miles and JT are in school. And as everyone else commented, I teared up too! Miss you!

Pancit said...

Awww...great first-day pictures! What a handsome kid! It's so adorable that he was worried you'd forget to wake him up for his first day! I remember crying for Theo's first day, too.