
Wii Caved

I won't list the 5000 reason I've come up with to justify the purchase of a Wii but if you want to hear them, call Suzette or Michelle. They have kindly listened and pacified me and my purchase. Wii (I can't stop overusing this) were at Target today and I foolishy said outloud for JT to hear, "Let's go get a Wii" believing that like every other Target trip there wouldn't be any there. When we saw three boxes behind the locked glass case I took it as a sign that we were meant to get one since the topic of how Wii owners obtained their Wii has become as common place in the parent conversataions as potty training, night time routines, and other such child rearing events. I've even recently started taking mental notes of the tips and tricks some people mention when recounting their purchase in anticipation of going on the hunt for one.
I'll save all my drama and catholic guilt for therapy but by all means plan a trip over to the Lucas house so you can play some Wii with us.

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