
Baby Flisakowski Shower

To truly do justice to this story, I think I have to start at the beginning. Back in January I called Judes for our usual weekend chat on Saturday. She asked if I had gotten a baby shower invite for Reah and I replied no. I honestly didn't anticipate an invite since I usually can't jet off to Portland for a weekend alone. Sunday rolls in and we finally decide to check our mail at which time I realize I did get an invite. Judes and I both agreed it would be fun "if" we could go. Later that day and after maybe 20 phone calls Judes and I RSVP'd for the shower.

Despite my flight being delayed (who knew pilots couldn't be "violently ill" and fly) I had a fabulous visit albeit short to Portland. As always, Gavin and Reah were excellent hosts and I finally got to meet so many of the friends that I get to hear about. Friday night we went to Roux and Pix. Both were yummy. Saturday was the shower but Judes and I managed to squeeze in a visit to Powells. Mom left early Sunday morning and I bravely stepped out of the hotel alone and went to Stumptown.

Reah and Gavin got lots of good baby gear. I can't believe how much things have changed in just the two short years since Zach. I had to keep reminding myself that I didn't have to surpass the gross national debt buying baby stuff since I get to have a lifetime of buying my niece things.

Baby Girl Flisakowski is due in April and as soon as I have photos I will post.

Reah wasn't thrilled with me taking photos but I got as many as I could before my battery died. Unfortunately the one of me with the parents-to-be didn't turn out.

Reah with the hostesses.
Random baby gift opening.
Nana Juju with Gavin and Reah (unfortunately the only photo and Juju's eyes are closed).

Gavin and Reah - Thanks again for a fabulous weekend.Mom - Thanks for hanging out with me. Hopefully next mom/daughter trip we will have more time.

1 comment:

Chandra said...

Wow, looks like you went to some fancy places! Must be nice! Looks like the visit was a success despite the flight delays. Your brother does look a bit like Josh - that's weird and I don't like it.