
We are still here...

Sorry, I have not kicked off 2008 with the best blogs. I wish I had a fabulous reason but the best I can come up with is that we have nothing going on.
The boys are doing great. Our main task right now is avoiding the flu that is slowly making the rounds at our friend's houses.

I do want to send a little love out to Eli (http://thenorthernnguyens.blogspot.com/). Eli had surgery today to correct his skull. Like his big brother, he decided to skip the whole soft spot in the skull. The doctors took care of everything and Eli is doing well. Michelle also mentioned it is
-36 degrees or some crazy temperature like that. I don't know what better reason they need to move back to Austin.

1 comment:

thenguyens said...

aww...thanks for the love. eli's feeling it cuz he's doing well.