
Back in the Bunks Again

A while back JT got bunks bed. While Zach was still in his crib, JT got both beds to himself, one as a fort and one as his sleeping quarters. Then they moved in together and the bunk beds came down. We promised JT that when he turned 5, we would put the bunk beds back together. Well, he is a few weeks from 5 and not a day goes by that he doesn't remind that we promised him bunk beds.

Rick (who is in a very good mood since the Sooners won and USC was upset by Stanford), sweetly agreed to put the bunks together. After completion JT and I talked about how he needs a shelf and a little light. He immediately suggested we take a trip to Ikea. He has all sorts of ideas of things he wants, including a hanging swing chair. I am so proud of my little interior decorator who agreed with Nana Juju's belief that rearranging your room is good for you.

Both boys are very excited; however, Zach doesn't fully understand that the top bunk isn't his. They are in bed now. So far we have had one unsuccessful attempt with the boys sleeping together up top. Zach is still up and talking to himself. JT just came out and insists that Zach wants him to sleep on the bottom with him. This should be a fun night.


Kage Davies said...

Completely random person leaving you comments buuuut.... that is so adorable! I bet that makes a trip to Ikea a little less stressful too, when you have a willing volunteer ;)

Anonymous said...

I didn't know anything about our son having aspirations of becoming an interior decorator. Obviously, we have gotten our parenting wires crossed. Urgent all-hands meeting in the gold room ASAP!