Throughout my chicken pregnancy, I worried about the age difference between the boys and the chickens, I still worry about the age difference. Things aren't always picturesque and perfect here but there are two big brothers that absolutely love their sisters and who daily amaze me with their patience and love. They are always willing to help and have learned the invaluable secret of hiding in their bedroom when they need a break from big brother duty.
About two years ago there was lots of talk and debate about Austin building Circuits of America to bring Formula 1 Racing to the area. While we watch a lot of sports over here, racing is not one that makes the list. The closest thing I've come to really care about racing it watching Talladega Nights. Whether I should admit it or not it is one of my favorite movies.
Despite it being a big deal for Austin, I have had no real interest in the Circuits of America track or going to see a race out there. That is until I had a friend and coworker (known as Q) who originates from Australia come to town (via Boston) for some meetings. On my way in to meet him I heard a horrible commercial with a guy trying to fake an Australian accent to talk about the V8 races that were coming to town. Of course since Q is Australian and knows all things Australia, I asked 50 questions when I arrived at the office. Turns out that Q has a thing for V8 racing. Even more serendipitous was later that night while Q was out on the town he ran in to some guys from Australia who were pit managers for one of the race teams and scored himself some tickets.
Obviously you know where we are going here. Since Q is from Boston and has a family who needed him at home that weekend, he had tickets he couldn't use so he asked if I wanted them. I was inclined to say no but thought just maybe the boys might be interested. Long of the short (because I am month behind on this blog post), V8 racing was pretty freaking amazing. I can't claim to be an expert in anything racing but it was thrilling to watch it. So much adrenaline, fear, and excitement. It may also help that the announcer was Australian and who doesn't love to listen to a good accent? I won't lie, if someone gave me a chance to take a car on the track, I'd do it. Not sure I will start watching NASCAR anytime soon or wear any racing team gear but I might consider going back to see the V8s when they come to town again next year.

A big thanks to Q for sharing his tickets. I wonder what other Australian things he can share? A kangaroo?
Despite it being a big deal for Austin, I have had no real interest in the Circuits of America track or going to see a race out there. That is until I had a friend and coworker (known as Q) who originates from Australia come to town (via Boston) for some meetings. On my way in to meet him I heard a horrible commercial with a guy trying to fake an Australian accent to talk about the V8 races that were coming to town. Of course since Q is Australian and knows all things Australia, I asked 50 questions when I arrived at the office. Turns out that Q has a thing for V8 racing. Even more serendipitous was later that night while Q was out on the town he ran in to some guys from Australia who were pit managers for one of the race teams and scored himself some tickets.
Obviously you know where we are going here. Since Q is from Boston and has a family who needed him at home that weekend, he had tickets he couldn't use so he asked if I wanted them. I was inclined to say no but thought just maybe the boys might be interested. Long of the short (because I am month behind on this blog post), V8 racing was pretty freaking amazing. I can't claim to be an expert in anything racing but it was thrilling to watch it. So much adrenaline, fear, and excitement. It may also help that the announcer was Australian and who doesn't love to listen to a good accent? I won't lie, if someone gave me a chance to take a car on the track, I'd do it. Not sure I will start watching NASCAR anytime soon or wear any racing team gear but I might consider going back to see the V8s when they come to town again next year.

A big thanks to Q for sharing his tickets. I wonder what other Australian things he can share? A kangaroo?
I am pretty sure at this moment he is not telling me that in 13 years we will have 4 kids (two will be twin daughters of destruction) or that we will have spent the 10 weeks leading up to our 13th year filming a TV show.
chicken talk
I had that moment the other day, while having a very deep conversation with Lizzie while she bathed, when I realized that I was done having babies. I mean really done. I know I thought that 2 years ago but medically I am done (not to mention my age). It was a brief, sad moment. Not that I want more kids, hell I can barely handle the ones I have, but just that I will never again experience pregnancy or hold my newborn again. Potentially my next baby fix will be 25 plus years (fingers crossed) when the boys have their own babies. The girls are hitting that age when they are no longer babies, they are hitting the toddler stage, and from there it all just goes so fast. Hell, JT is going in to 5th grade this fall. How did that happen?
Chickens are doing great. Kit Kat has mastered walking and has even developed a slow trot especially when she realizes someone has opened a door to the outside and she needs to try to escape. Lizzie hasn't been as interested in walking and Rick and I both admitted to each other we've been secretly living with some angst and guilt, wondering if Lizzie was going to struggle because we didn't do a better job with her hips. Of course just as the two of us admit that to each other, she starts walking around like she has been doing it for months (and that we are basically idiots for even worrying). I now believe it was a secret trick to get us to carry her while her sister had to walk especially since I hear talk of her almost breaking out in to a run at the children's museum last week to get to a play area.
It is funny to see how they developed differently but the same. Words are starting to emerge although Lizzie prefers to stick to head nodding for yes and no type questions while Kit Kat has taken to repeating baseball and bat around the house. This thrills the boys to no end. They love being outside and they are both loving the pool. They also love to dance. Rick is trying to convince them to be heavy metal babies but what he doesn't know is that I play lots of Top 40 dance music and other horrible songs that would make his ears burn while he is gone and the girls love it. Lizzie loves to sing and is often swaying side to side while singing something that makes perfect sense to her. If you have a few hours to spare, they are big fans of singing Row, Row Your Boat.
I am slowly learning Adobe Photoshop so just maybe if the stars and moon align I can post some photos here soon.
Chickens are doing great. Kit Kat has mastered walking and has even developed a slow trot especially when she realizes someone has opened a door to the outside and she needs to try to escape. Lizzie hasn't been as interested in walking and Rick and I both admitted to each other we've been secretly living with some angst and guilt, wondering if Lizzie was going to struggle because we didn't do a better job with her hips. Of course just as the two of us admit that to each other, she starts walking around like she has been doing it for months (and that we are basically idiots for even worrying). I now believe it was a secret trick to get us to carry her while her sister had to walk especially since I hear talk of her almost breaking out in to a run at the children's museum last week to get to a play area.
It is funny to see how they developed differently but the same. Words are starting to emerge although Lizzie prefers to stick to head nodding for yes and no type questions while Kit Kat has taken to repeating baseball and bat around the house. This thrills the boys to no end. They love being outside and they are both loving the pool. They also love to dance. Rick is trying to convince them to be heavy metal babies but what he doesn't know is that I play lots of Top 40 dance music and other horrible songs that would make his ears burn while he is gone and the girls love it. Lizzie loves to sing and is often swaying side to side while singing something that makes perfect sense to her. If you have a few hours to spare, they are big fans of singing Row, Row Your Boat.
I am slowly learning Adobe Photoshop so just maybe if the stars and moon align I can post some photos here soon.
nighttime dilemna
It is 10 at night and this is the dilemma I am facing. How will I diaper this baby without waking her or her sister or more importantly disturbing their sweet sleep position. Of course that didn't stop me from grabbing my phone, turning on the hall light, and taking a photo!
As you can tell by the non-baby sheet we are behind in laundry and this is not the first time a diaper has been removed. We've been the benefactors of some splendid displays of fecal finger painting, soaking wet sheets, and soaking wet pjs. I will show my gender biased but I honestly would have thought this is something the boys would have done but they never once messed with those diapers. Of course I could turn that argument to be that the boys were lazy and loved that someone was willing to take care of them whereas the girls are already asserting their independence and fighting be cared for...or maybe they are just two punks that like to mess with their diapers when they sleep. Regardless, I managed to take the photo and diaper a sleeping baby without disturbing their sleep because they looked so sweet together.
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