Today: Partly Cloudy - High: 102
Partly sunny skies will help push temperatures over 100 this afternoon. It will be our 67 day of 100+ degree temperatures this year. A cold front drifting south out of north Texas will be the focus for a 20% chance of showers and thunderstorms.
I also heard that there is chance that next week's temperatures will hover in the low 90's and I stopped to wonder if I should break out my sweaters yet.
I am not sure what is harder to believe: that the summer is over or that JT is in first grade.
Our first day of first went off with little fanfare. JT is excited about his teacher and class mainly because Mrs. Ramirez has a snake in her room. His best buddy William is in a different class but JT said he was okay with that because he knows that they can meet up on the playground.

Our first day of first went off with little fanfare. JT is excited about his teacher and class mainly because Mrs. Ramirez has a snake in her room. His best buddy William is in a different class but JT said he was okay with that because he knows that they can meet up on the playground.

During our visit, I spent time with Nana in the basement going through some boxes of my old stuff. One of the boxes had my Fischer-Price dollhouse. Zachy wanted to see the dollhouse so we set it up for him. Once it was up, he spent hours in the basement playing with "his" dollhouse. He made a few adjustments to the layout that Nana and I weren't too sure about including the addition of some horse (one was named Gusto) to the living space.

The Coolest People in Muncie
We were sad to leave Nana Juju's and Grandpa Pete's house but we figured we had imposed on our dog and cat caretakers a little too long and there is that pesky little thing callled school starting this week that JT needed to be home for.
Unlike our ride out we decided we'd do three days of straight driving but we couldn't miss a chance to stop in Muncie, Indiana to visit our old grad school buddies Todd and Jackie and their boys. We had a fabulous visit, although it was a bit short, and hope that we can get together again soon.

Unlike our ride out we decided we'd do three days of straight driving but we couldn't miss a chance to stop in Muncie, Indiana to visit our old grad school buddies Todd and Jackie and their boys. We had a fabulous visit, although it was a bit short, and hope that we can get together again soon.

What would a trip to NY be without a few days in Buffalo? Having spent many of my childhood summers in Buffalo, I was excited for the boys to see and experience some of the things that I had has a child.
Two days was too short but we are thankful that we were able to spend the time with Paula and Ed. Of course, the boys loved being at Paula's house with all the animals especially her horse Melody Ellen. Zachy has taken to renaming Mama Horsey (note that Paula is the one that originally sent Mama Horsey as a gift) Melody Ellen.
I took over a hundred photos of our few days, many are of the boys on the horse but I won't bore you all with those. I've picked a few of my favorites.
Two days was too short but we are thankful that we were able to spend the time with Paula and Ed. Of course, the boys loved being at Paula's house with all the animals especially her horse Melody Ellen. Zachy has taken to renaming Mama Horsey (note that Paula is the one that originally sent Mama Horsey as a gift) Melody Ellen.
I took over a hundred photos of our few days, many are of the boys on the horse but I won't bore you all with those. I've picked a few of my favorites.
About a month prior to our vacation, Michelle and I had one of those rare special moments where we got to talk on the phone for more than 10 minutes without any sort of interruption. After catching up on recent family activities we discussed our vacation plans and learned that our paths were going to cross in the lovely state of NY. The Nguyens were heading back to Minnesota after a week long vacation in Boston at the same time that we were in Oswego. Since they were planning on going to Niagara Falls on their way home, Oswego was a perfect resting point.
Our visit was brief and included a trip to the Urgent Care after Owen broke his collar bone but we enjoyed every minute and were thankful that we got to hang out. Hopefully the Nguyens will be back in Texas soon.
Our visit was brief and included a trip to the Urgent Care after Owen broke his collar bone but we enjoyed every minute and were thankful that we got to hang out. Hopefully the Nguyens will be back in Texas soon.

Corning Glass Museum
Our first venture out of Oswego was to the Corning Glass Museum. We weren't allowed to take photos at the Corning Glass Museum which is sad because they had some of the most amazing pieces of glass artwork that I've ever seen. The museum is huge and we didn't even get to see half of their exhibit. Truly amazing was the special exhibit, the Heineman Collection, which was a private collection of a Chicago couple. I think we got up to the Early European glass in our tour of the History of Glass before we had to break for lunch and then go to the boy's class.
The museum offers several classes including glass blowing. The boys took a sandblasting class because it allowed them to take their item home that same day.

The museum offers several classes including glass blowing. The boys took a sandblasting class because it allowed them to take their item home that same day.


We made it to Oswego. We were so excited to finally be at Nana Juju's and Grandpa Pete's house. The boys were even more excited to see their first Great Lake. We spent our first day and several evenings after at a local restaurant and ice cream stand that sits on the lake.
Here are a few shots of the boys first day seeing the waves and the boys out on the boat with grandpa Pete.
Dayton, Ohio Part 2
Before we made it to the Dayton Dragons game we spent the day at the National Museum of the US Airforce. I have to admit that I was hoping to skip this visit but I am glad we went. The museum has the history of the airplane and an incredible collection of original airplanes that they have restored. I also admit that I got a bit obsessed while at the museum with nose art.
If you find yourself in Dayton, I recommend the museum but definitely give yourself some time and be prepared to explain the Holocaust to your 6 year old as they have a fairly moving collection of photos.
If you find yourself in Dayton, I recommend the museum but definitely give yourself some time and be prepared to explain the Holocaust to your 6 year old as they have a fairly moving collection of photos.
Dayton, Ohio
Our first stop enroute to NY was Dayton. Why Dayton you say? Well, because Rick and JT decided that life couldn't go on if they didn't see the Dayton Dragons play.
We had a great time at the game. They have a cool stadium and some good music/entertainment on the jumbo-tron but the crowd wasn't very involved. One of the coolest things they had were their dragons on the scoreboard. When the DD hit a homerun they blow a foghorn and then the dragon's eyes light up and smoke comes out of his nose.
Both boys also got balls at the game. JT got the first foul ball that was hit our direction and then later when another was hit the boys were two of many asking the bullpen for the ball but when the players didn't pass it back everyone but Zachy and JT left at which point Zachy said "Can I please have that ball?" How could they say no?
Another highlight was the Retired Village People that came out inbetween innings to do their moves to YMCA. We rated the ballpark 3rd on our list (behind RR Express and Springfield) but now I am wondering why as it was a fun game.

We had a great time at the game. They have a cool stadium and some good music/entertainment on the jumbo-tron but the crowd wasn't very involved. One of the coolest things they had were their dragons on the scoreboard. When the DD hit a homerun they blow a foghorn and then the dragon's eyes light up and smoke comes out of his nose.
Both boys also got balls at the game. JT got the first foul ball that was hit our direction and then later when another was hit the boys were two of many asking the bullpen for the ball but when the players didn't pass it back everyone but Zachy and JT left at which point Zachy said "Can I please have that ball?" How could they say no?
Another highlight was the Retired Village People that came out inbetween innings to do their moves to YMCA. We rated the ballpark 3rd on our list (behind RR Express and Springfield) but now I am wondering why as it was a fun game.

Non-Vacation Updates
vacation report #1
Vacation Days 1-3 - Harrison, Arkansas
We had an uneventful ride to Arkansas until we got about 15 minutes outside of town, at which point Zachy puked. Luckily we had our trustworthy puke kit and were quickly back on the road.
The main focus of our trip to Harrison (besides seeing Sue) was to attend Rick's 21st high school reunion. Rick had a great time catching up with several friends that he hasn't seen in a long time. I enjoyed the reunion as much as a spouse can enjoy one. It was fun meeting many of Rick's high school friends and their spouses. I am glad we went and I think Rick is too. And luckily I didn't have to fight any ex-girlfriends.
road tripping
I'll get some photos up soon but right now my camera is floating Lake Ontario with the boys. Hopefully this camera won't suffer the same fate as the previous camera that took a trip on Grandpa Pete's boat.
We are in NY. We made it to Harrison, attended Rick's 21st high school reunion, spent a few days in Dayton, which included a Dayton Dragons game, and now we are finally settled in Oswego, NY.
The boys are excited to be here and very excited to see their first Great Lake. They are absolutely fascinated by the waves and the size. JT asked where the lake ends. A legitimate question when his only real lake experience has been Lake Austin, which we all know is really a river.
We are in NY. We made it to Harrison, attended Rick's 21st high school reunion, spent a few days in Dayton, which included a Dayton Dragons game, and now we are finally settled in Oswego, NY.
The boys are excited to be here and very excited to see their first Great Lake. They are absolutely fascinated by the waves and the size. JT asked where the lake ends. A legitimate question when his only real lake experience has been Lake Austin, which we all know is really a river.
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