At Zach's preschool they do a fall and spring parent/teacher conference. Prior to the conference the teacher has this test (for lack of a better word) that she sits down with each kid and takes. It just has them do things like spell their name, count to 10, etc and then we can see if Zach is on track for a kid his age and how he compares from the start of the year to the end.
Since Zach is one of the younger kids in the class Ms. Lindsey used the age 3 test for Zach in the fall. She decided this spring to complete the age 3 and also use the age 4 just to see where he was with that age test.
Needless to say Zach is doing well. He didn't know his address (he just said Austin, Texas) and he couldn't draw a triangle but we are not too concerned. However, on this test there is a "spitirual section" that I am not sure if Zach passed because there was only the following quote written:
"Jesus...she is a one of the good guys..."
I like to think that my stellar "girl power" mommy self is why he said Jesus is a girl but I am pretty sure he just hasn't mastered his pronouns.
Photos by Joe
JT got his own digital camera for Christmas but Santa somehow didn't get a USB cable. Well, 4 months later and JT and I finally got around to locating a USB cable and uploading his photos. He wants his own blog but for now I am posting his photos at Picasa. As you can tell, he has his own little photography mind working. He seems to be really fond of taking photos of himself and while riding in the car.
Also, note that JT is currently debating changing his name to Joe. He has even started writing Joe on some of his school work and he placed a call in to Nana Juju to understand why she wrote JT on his Easter card. Zach meanwhile is campaigning to change his name to Jedi as Luke Lucas wasn't working for him.
Also, note that JT is currently debating changing his name to Joe. He has even started writing Joe on some of his school work and he placed a call in to Nana Juju to understand why she wrote JT on his Easter card. Zach meanwhile is campaigning to change his name to Jedi as Luke Lucas wasn't working for him.
Chicks in Trouble
I admit that cleaning especially dusting gets pushed way down on the priority list in the Lucas household (too bad Nana Juju isn't closer - it would either force me to clean or she could come and do it!). I have no clue how long this stand-off took place nor do I know the total death count as chicks seem to be disappearing and reappearing daily.
We still don't have confirmation as to the leader of this revolt but I suspect it to be this guy.

Breaking the Law...One Turtle at a Time
Many of you know that I've lost my cat Sam. I've searched, called, posted, etc and he has yet to return home. I am sad but somehow at peace with it that I can't fully explain. Sam is/was 12 and while I miss him, I know that he is ok. Anywho, on with the turtle.
Saturday afternoon the boys and I were hanging out in the house while I was debating what to do with myself when Rick came in holding something and calling JT. Turns out he had found a turtle in the garage. JT quickly took possession of the turtle and found a box to place him in. I grabbed the computer and started googling what sort of turtle JT and I now had. As JT and I cruised the internet we decided that perhaps we had a Yellow Box Turtle. Oh how fortunate! JT and I read that he was an aquatic turtle and a great pet. I could barely hold back my excitement, sure a turtle is not a replacement for a warm, fuzzy, sweet cat but I've always wanted a turtle. JT and I were already discussing where we should go to get an aquarium while we filled up a tupperware container with water. We transferred our turtle to his new, temporary home. He clearly loved it as he stuck out his head and started swimming around. It was at this moment that I noticed he had a red stripe on his face. I went back to the computer. In all the photos of our beloved Yellow Box Turtle, I never saw one with a red stripe. Turns out what we had on our hands was in fact a Texas Red Ear Slider Turtle.

Saturday afternoon the boys and I were hanging out in the house while I was debating what to do with myself when Rick came in holding something and calling JT. Turns out he had found a turtle in the garage. JT quickly took possession of the turtle and found a box to place him in. I grabbed the computer and started googling what sort of turtle JT and I now had. As JT and I cruised the internet we decided that perhaps we had a Yellow Box Turtle. Oh how fortunate! JT and I read that he was an aquatic turtle and a great pet. I could barely hold back my excitement, sure a turtle is not a replacement for a warm, fuzzy, sweet cat but I've always wanted a turtle. JT and I were already discussing where we should go to get an aquarium while we filled up a tupperware container with water. We transferred our turtle to his new, temporary home. He clearly loved it as he stuck out his head and started swimming around. It was at this moment that I noticed he had a red stripe on his face. I went back to the computer. In all the photos of our beloved Yellow Box Turtle, I never saw one with a red stripe. Turns out what we had on our hands was in fact a Texas Red Ear Slider Turtle.

JT and I started reading about the RES Turtle who is native to Texas and also aquatic. We were equally excited until we started reading that baby turtles under 4 inches in diameter (yes, clearly that is our turtle) is banned in the State of Texas as a pet because they carry salmonella. I didn't read on, I probably should have but at the mention of salmonella I freaked and quickly called Rick in to action to get every one's hands and faces washed. We then loaded up our turtle in the jogger and walked him down to the park so he could live in the creek. We said our good-byes, hide the evidence in a trash can in the park, and then walked home while keeping a close eye out or Sam the cat.
Round Top, Texas

After having such a fabulous time last year, I was very eager to head back to Round Top for their Antique Festival. I couldn't justify taking JT out of school for the day (despite his protests of really, really wanting to go), which meant I had to use my power of persuasion on someone. Luckily Chandra fell for it and we both had a fabulous time and Zach and Izzy were troopers.
There is so much to see and we hardly covered 1/4 of it but I did manage to find lots of doll parts this year. No idea why they were such a hot item. I even saw a woman buying two doll heads. I should have asked. I didn't get anything despite every attempt I made to spend money but Chandra found some additions for her tea cup collection. Chandra is still a little bummed that I didn't buy the leg braces and prop them up on the bench in the hallway.
My only regret (outside of not getting anything) is that we missed the Fontane crowd. I guess we will have to go back next year!
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