Now that I've written all of that out, I am very, very nervous.
Lucas Family Vacation
We may be the craziest people around this year but we have decided to embark on a whirldwind family vacation. We haven't finalized all the details but the current plan is to leave at the end of July.We will stop in Harrison for a few days to celebrate Rick's 21st high school reunion (they forgot to plan a 20th). From there we will take off and drive to Nana Juju's and Grandpa Pete's new house in New York. We have mapped out one game in Dayton, a visit to Cooperstown, definitely a few days with Paula and Ed in Buffalo, and we will start our return home with a Pittsburgh Pirates game.
Now that I've written all of that out, I am very, very nervous.
Now that I've written all of that out, I am very, very nervous.
Using the Force
I was taking a shower the other day when Zach came in (and yes for those of you who read regularly Zachy tends to come in and want to discuss important things while I am showering). and have the following conversation with me.
Zach: Momma, are you doing it?
Me: I am taking a shower FU.
Zach: Momma, are you doing it?
Me: Doing what?
At this point Zach says some word that I had no idea what he was saying so I looked out the curtain to see Zach with his mouth wide open and then he sighed, closed his mouth and tried again.
Me: What are you doing?
Zach: Trying to make you yawn.
His Jedi powers worked and I yawned, which make Zachy giggle and run off to battle some assain droids.
Zach: Momma, are you doing it?
Me: I am taking a shower FU.
Zach: Momma, are you doing it?
Me: Doing what?
At this point Zach says some word that I had no idea what he was saying so I looked out the curtain to see Zach with his mouth wide open and then he sighed, closed his mouth and tried again.
Me: What are you doing?
Zach: Trying to make you yawn.
His Jedi powers worked and I yawned, which make Zachy giggle and run off to battle some assain droids.
PDX Update
Here is the latest on the cutest baby in PDX.
She's walking well on her own now. She still can't stand up on her own and has to use furniture or your leg to get up. She loves to play peak a boo while she stands around a corner and pops her head out. She talks a lot but no words we understand - except for Dada and Mama. She likes to wave, clap and wiggle to music. She inherited her Dad's taste buds - no bananas or cottage cheese but loves applesauce and black beans.
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary
Some of you may vaguely remember that JT and I tried to take a small little plot of land last year and turn it into a garden. It wasn't our best effort and after inspiration from Grandpa Pete's veggie garden, much discussion, and a lot of help from Rick we created a new garden. 
We almost lost our chives, some thing ate our cilantro, and I accidentally killed a yellow squash. Hopefully we will get rain and have lots of tomatoes and peppers soon!

When we first moved in to this house I distinctly remember Rick and I looking at french doors and talking about putting one in. We finally decided after our door gave out and we had some water damage to our floor to get a new door. I am so very, very happy. Rick still has some work to do but who cares when you have a great view of the deck and the new garden and most importantly the ugly, old, rotten door is gone!
Fu Nuggets
I am stealing this post from Rick but I believe there is some essential Zachfuism in here that everyone needs to be aware of.
A couple of mornings ago, the boys squeezed into bed with us. Soon, Zach was screaming, "Stop JT." We got Zach to stop screaming and got JT to stop what he was doing. When we asked Zach what JT was doing, his replied, "He was pinching my thumb-toe." "Thumb-Toe?" we asked. He pointed to his big toe. "This is my thumb toe."
One of the boys' chores is to put away their laundry. The other day Zach came up to me with a shirt and a broken hanger. "Dad, I need a new hooker. This one is broken.
We've been doing some spring cleaning, and Meghan had a bag of hangers in the hallway. Last night she heard something fall over. "Don't worry, mom." Zach said emerging from the hallway, "It's just a bag of hookers."
A couple of mornings ago, the boys squeezed into bed with us. Soon, Zach was screaming, "Stop JT." We got Zach to stop screaming and got JT to stop what he was doing. When we asked Zach what JT was doing, his replied, "He was pinching my thumb-toe." "Thumb-Toe?" we asked. He pointed to his big toe. "This is my thumb toe."
One of the boys' chores is to put away their laundry. The other day Zach came up to me with a shirt and a broken hanger. "Dad, I need a new hooker. This one is broken.
We've been doing some spring cleaning, and Meghan had a bag of hangers in the hallway. Last night she heard something fall over. "Don't worry, mom." Zach said emerging from the hallway, "It's just a bag of hookers."
Rick witnessed this argument today.
I hear screaming so I run inside the house.
Zach Fu the 3 year old: "Dad, JT called me a maniac."
JT 6 year old casually: "You are a maniac."
Zach Fu: "I am not a maniac, you just need to let go of your hate."
I hear screaming so I run inside the house.
Zach Fu the 3 year old: "Dad, JT called me a maniac."
JT 6 year old casually: "You are a maniac."
Zach Fu: "I am not a maniac, you just need to let go of your hate."
Spring in Texas
It is Spring in Texas and that can only mean one thing...T-Ball!
We have opening ceremonies tomorrow, which means you will no doubt be inundated with photos and stories about the team for the next 6 weeks.
Check out our cool new uniforms.

And this year we get a sponsor(the coolest sponsor ever). I think everyone should go out and buy a house right now and use Tommy at
We have opening ceremonies tomorrow, which means you will no doubt be inundated with photos and stories about the team for the next 6 weeks.
Check out our cool new uniforms.

And this year we get a sponsor(the coolest sponsor ever). I think everyone should go out and buy a house right now and use Tommy at
what in the world?
I came home the other day after a semi-crappy day at work, put all my stuff down, said hello to everyone and turned to go back down the hall and came upon this:

Most of you are probably wondering the same thing I said out loud, "Why is there Play-Doh stuck to the wall?" Rick and JT both feigned ignorance but Zach proudly stepped forward and announced, "Momma, that is not Play-Doh, (note that once again he is using his tone of pure disgust at my ignorance) that is the rock Luke threw against the wall." Not sure what I was thinking.

Most of you are probably wondering the same thing I said out loud, "Why is there Play-Doh stuck to the wall?" Rick and JT both feigned ignorance but Zach proudly stepped forward and announced, "Momma, that is not Play-Doh, (note that once again he is using his tone of pure disgust at my ignorance) that is the rock Luke threw against the wall." Not sure what I was thinking.
The Potty Chronicles Part 5
This may be our last chapter as Zach has really taken to the potty and big boy underwear. He even insists that he stands.
With this new found freedom from diapers the following traits have evolved:
- Zachy can now whistle. He whistles a lot. One morning, shall we say around 3 AM, he was in our bed whistling. He claims that the loss of diapers has freed his inner-whistler.
- Zachy is a potty critic. I give fair warning to all that invite us over, Zachy will critique the cleanliness of your toilet. I was showering the other morning and Zach came in and announced that he was going to use the potty. He talked to me about the potty and then said "Mom, it is really dirty up on the sides. I think I should clean it." At first I did the usual half-listening mom acknowledgement until it dawned on me that he was probably getting the toilet brush out and doing lord only knows what with it. I quickly pulled open the curtain and was happy to see he had yet to start cleaning. We agreed we would do it together at which point he told me the following (and yes, it was delivered with complete disgust at my ignorance):
Me: Zach, why don't we wait and clean the potty together?
Zach: Ok, I'll do the second part.
Me: What is the second part?
Zach: The part that comes after the first part.
- The final newly discovered bathroom trait is that Zach decides that he will walk away from us no matter where we are or what we are doing to go and use the bathroom. Twice while out at restaurants (I have eye witnesses that can attest to this) Zach has removed himself from the table and somehow managed to correctly identify the way to the bathroom.
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